Seventeen Reaction |You trying to keep their kid away| |REQUESTED|

S.coups: He didn’t get why you would try. Sure things ended on bad terms but why does he have to suffer. He loved his little boy and you just kept him away. So he would wanna talk it out with you. 

“I get you’re married now and happily but I’m suffering, I wanna spend some time with my son,” he said.

“I hate you after everything,” you said rolling your eyes.

“So does that mean you hate our son since he looks like me?”


Vernon: His daughter was his everything and if you couldn’t respect that he thought low of you. Maybe you hated him but he had to talk to you about it. He didn’t care if it bothered you to look at him. He wasn’t going through it again. 

“You think keeping her away is hurting me?, It’s also hurting her but you are so selfish you wouldn’t know,” 


Wonwoo: He has an issue with you doing this. But it wouldn’t last long. He’d make sure you got the point. He didn’t want you back and he didn’t care about your marriage with some dude. He wanted his little girl in his arms. So when he got a chance to see you guys. He’d make it clear to you.

“D/n is my little girl, I want her to have a relationship with me, You can marry who you want for all I care, But I want her to spend time with me, Or are you going to continue being selfish?” 


Mingyu: Both of you guys couldn’t stand each other and everyone could see it. When it was his son’s birthday party he showed up and you hated to see him there. Going inside and arguing you asked him why he had the guts to show.

“It’s my son’s birthday, I have the guts to be around, Unlike you who has no guts to let my son speak to me,”


Hoshi: Both of you had no hate going on. His daughter was born when he was round so why keep her away so suddenly. He wouldn’t understand it. But when she kept begging to see him you gave in.

“I’m happy you don’t wanna keep her from me anymore, I thought I’d die without seeing my little princess,”


Jun: He hated the new guy you were with. You would let his son have something to do with him. If that new guy wasn’t getting in the way of your things. So when he showed up to the house that night you both were surprised. 

“I came to talk to you Y/n, About my son who I’d like to see finally, We’ve broken it off, It’s been nearly a whole year, When will you let me,”


The8: He cared for his little girl dearly and would do anything to have her. Things ended on a rocky side and mixed feelings. You were still alone but you did everything you could to keep her away from him. Yet when you spotted him out in public you felt like it was time to stop being selfish and think about her and him.

“She’s so cute, Thank you for letting me finally see her again, Hopefully in the future, I continue to be her father no matter what happens,”


Dino: He didn’t why you would take his daughter away from him if you didn’t have hard feelings. It really was stupid to be so selfish and to him you were going pretty low on doing that. But he got the chance to talk to you even if it did make him mad.

“I helped raise her and you try to keep her away from me, I’m sorry if you hate me and can’t stand me but it’s not her fault, I hope one day you see, Being selfish is going to hurt you more than me,”


Woozi: He didn’t stand for any of this and totally would put up some kind of fight. He was going to see his son one way or another and he didn’t care if you plotted his murder. He wasn’t running away and he for sure wasn’t going not without his son. 

“You know, People like you stoop very low, Have fun Y/n hurting him and keeping him away, Because when I get a chance, He’s going home with me, S/n is not a toy, He’s my child, Who I’d like to see,”


Jeonghan: He loves his little girl and for you to keep her away only hurt you more. Every time you see her she asks about him and you felt the need to let her see him. So when you did he was happy that it might even make tears start coming out.

“Thank you so much for letting me see her, You are the best person right now, My little girl is my everything,”

Joshua: He wouldn’t be rude to you and he could understand you not wanting to be with him. But his son was going nowhere and you couldn’t have any say so. He thought you were selfish and he kept it to himself. But one day he had to tell you and to get it off his chest. 

“You don’t wanna be with me, Good for you, But S/n is my son and if there is one more thing I want, It’s him, You could invite me to your wedding, But nothing would make me happier than you let me see my son, The little boy waiting at home for you, The one who is waiting for me,”

Seungkwan: His son was his everything and you knew it even if it hurt you inside. Things ended but the terms were unknown. He has asked to see his father and Seungkwan has wanted to see him. Finally when you let it happened. He’d be happy like a new kid getting a toy.

“My son looks so much like me, It’s amazing to see he is doing well, And it’s amazing that you let him see me, I guess you aren’t so selfish after all,”

DK: His daughter didn’t only have your looks but the personality of DK. It ended smoothly and it was for a good cause but you started ignoring him and keeping her away. Once he noticed your ways he had something to say to you about it.

“I don’t why you keep ignoring me Or even pushing me away, I dearly promise to you though, D/n doesn’t need to suffer for this, I just wanna see her,”

@madeofsaltiness :Hi thank you for my married life ship! Can I please get a private selca ship with BTS, NCT U, NCT 127 and EXO? Thank you💕💕

(You’re Welcome, And here is your private Selca ship)


In BTS I ship you with: Jin

Relationship with Jin: He is a very caring person so he would be by your side Another thing he loved about you was your personality. I think dating Jin would be great. Not only because he is a caring person but because he showers you with love. He also makes sure you have everything you need before he starts his day.

In NCT U I ship you with: TEN

Relationship with Ten: He is a jokester and I think dating Ten would be so much fun. He would take you out and make sure you’re having fun. He also can be romantic and when he is he’ll do something like a dinner night alone with you. Maybe even movie night if he didn’t plan beforehand.

In NCT 127 I ship you with: Johnny 

Relationship with Johnny: I see it being pretty good and going in a good direction. Johnny is someone who jokes around but can also be there for you when you need it the most. So he’ll make sure you are doing just good. He also will listen to your stories and comfort you but also try to make you laugh.

In EXO I ship you with: Chanyeol

Relationship with Chanyeol: He is the type of person who can be serious but joking at the same time. Since you are his girlfriend though he’ll give you the hardest time. But he will also try to help you with any problems you have to face.

@madeofsaltiness wHi can I please get a private married life ship with Taeyong from NCT? Thank you so much💗

(Sure thing love!, Here is your married life with Taeyong!)

Your House: 

The house you and Taeyong live in didn’t feel like home until later on. But you learned that the nice home was fit for you and Taeyong. Which was the home of your family.

You and Taeyong have: 1 Daughter

She was like her father, Meaning she was very dedicated to working when it needed to be done. She would look like you and be like you a little bit too. When she had free time he would wanna hang out with you or go to work with Taeyong.

Spending Time with each other: Park Date

It would be a picnic in the park as the boys watched your daughter. After that, you’ll walk around. Swing like little kids and even play with other kids when they asked. Sometimes you’ll go down the slide and take pictures to remember.

What you do as a family: Arcade

All of you would play games and have a good time. Eating some food, Drinking slushies. Even winning toys out of claw machines. Your daughter will play with you and her father. She’d wanna do it again next time she had a chance.

What you do in your daily married life: Work at a cafe

Since Taeyong did music, You worked at a cafe making coffee and serving them. When your daughter got out of school you would pick her up and take her with you to continue your shift.

What you argue about: How much time he spends with the boys

It was rare to see him home after a busy day of work. So it would be about him not coming to see you and your daughter. After hours of fighting both of you would cool off as your daughter cuddles her bear. Because she hated you yelling at each other.

How he fathers his kid: Easy but responsible

Taeyong would be easy and not be such a harsh parent. But he also believed that her having respect was everything. He would buy her what she wanted but sometimes she had to help you to get it. He loved her though and he would continue to raise her until she became the girl she was meant to be.

Wanna One Reaction |You move away to go to America for college|

Jisung: He would be sad to know you were moving to go to college but you were coming back when you finished. Jisung would be sad but you would try your best to cheer him up.

“Jisung, Why are you crying?” you asked

“I-I’m just gonna miss you,”


Sungwoon: He would be okay with it and of course miss you though and would wait for you. So before you got out at the airport he would be sure to let you know somethings.

“Make sure those boys know you got a boyfriend, Stay safe and do not do something you aren’t suppose to do,”


Minhyun: He would miss you the most and would want you to come back with good news. It was hard for you though since you love Minhyun and it was making you wanna stay. You never left Minhyun for too long.

“Minhyun…I don’t wanna go…I miss you and I never stayed so far from you,” you pouted

“Y/n, When you come back I’ll be here and think about it, When this over you’ll be with me, I’ll even do whatever you wanna do, So just stay safe,”


Jaehwan: You really didn’t wanna leave Jaehwan and you worried about him. So you asked Minhyun to take care of him when you were away. So you both just gave each other a kiss.

“See you in a couple years,” you said

“Wish it could be sooner but I’ll be counting down,”


Seongwu: He was so happy for you and knew you would be back after finishing. This was the college you’ve been wanting to go to and you just couldn’t let it pass you. That’s why you are packed and standing outside the house.

“Will you miss me?” you asked

“Hell yeah, But I know you’ll be coming back and I can hold you,”


Daniel: Would miss you but at the same time would want you to go. Both of you knew how important this was for you. But it was you who just couldn’t hugging Daniel at the airport.

“I really…Just wanna hold you,” you whined

“That’s nice and all but baby, You’re going to miss your flight,”


Jihoon: You honestly were in such a rush you didn’t even get to wish this boy a bye. Getting on the flight you regretted it and didn’t even get to see his face. Since you wouldn’t be seeing it for awhile.


Woojin: Just like Jihoon you hadn’t got a chance to tell him bye but you did get to facetime. The chat was going on for hours until you arrived. The night sky shined brightly as the moon was beautiful. Woojin was fine with you being gone since he gets time to himself.

“Don’t do stupid things why I’m gone,” you said

“Me and Daehwi only got the bathroom purple from hair dye once, Trust me, I’m gonna miss you and doing something stupid is not even in my mind, Make sure to keep me updated,”

Jinyoung: This boy would miss you like crazy and best believe he might cry here and there without you. So you guys ended up hugging each other in the dorm before you were ready to leave.

“I’m gonna miss you boys a lot, I’m gonna miss you Jinyoung stay healthy,” you smiled

“We’ll miss you too, Also be sure to call me, text me, let me know you got plenty rest, Also, Please come back home safe baby girl, I’m gonna miss you more than anyone and I love you,”

Daehwi: He would make sure you got everything you needed which you packed and you got 45 minutes left before you had to arrive at the airport.

“Daehwi, I gotta go, Is there anything you want?” you asked

“Let me hold you before you go, I know it’s gonna be a long time before you come back,”

Guanlin: He doesn’t cry in front of the boys but he couldn’t help it when he cried in your arms around them. After him getting calmed down you would smile brightly at him.

“Keep our apartment in one piece, And I put your leftovers in the microwave,” you said

“Okay, Make sure you wait for me, When you come back, I’m gonna be happier, I’m gonna miss you but this is what you always wanted,”

Wanna One Reaction |Teaching you how to drive|

Jisung: He would be ready to teach you how to drive and everything was going smooth. So when you got done driving and parked the car you would look over with a smile.

“How did I do?” you asked

“Fantastic, Next thing you know, You’ll be driving before me,”


Sungwoon: He would be shocked and kind of chuckle thinking you were joking. Until you explained how your parents never taught you how to drive. So the lesson he prepared was simple and when you did amazing. He would award you with many kisses and congratulate you.


Minhyun: He would be the type of husband to worry about you so he never liked the thought of you getting behind the wheel. Until you asked him if he could teach you how to drive. Being proud of you.


Jaehwan: Honestly this boy wouldn’t even teach you how to drive. Because he would be to lazy and would just wanna nap. So you told him you would be going with Jisung and he just chuckled.

“Jisung?, You do know he is trying to drive himself right?”


Seongwu: He would be okay with teaching you but he would take control of the wheel. Not that he didn’t trust you or anything but he felt like he could drive you guys back home. Also after arguing who should drive back home. He ended up winning.


Daniel: Would be worried since he couldn’t teach you how to drive. Plus since you just jumped in the car and taught yourself. Which he would be proud of how well you improved.


Jihoon: He would teach you since you asked but let’s just say by the end of it he would be scared.Taking the keys out you smiled asking him how you did. Let’s just say. If you going through a 2 hour conversation about speeding. Call yourself lucky.


Woojin: He probably wouldn’t teach you since himself doesn’t know about driving that much. You whined and asked him over and over again. So he would just have to explain it to you.

“Us driving would look like two little kids, No offense babe, But you and me can’t drive, And I refuse to let you kill me in that, When you can see over the steering-wheel, We can talk,”


Jinyoung: Let’s face it this boy can be a savage which adds up to him being super outspoken. So when you asked him if he would teach you, he would only let out a little laugh.

“I love you but you do know, Last time you got taught you scared the man half to death,”


Daehwi:He wouldn’t be able to teach you since himself couldn’t drive but he would try his best. Yet it was a huge fail since you both had no clue what you were doing. You ended up at the dorm with more tickets than ever.


Guanlin: He would be a huge asshole but not in a rude way but more of a funny way. You failed your drivers test and to lighten the mood your boyfriend was joking with you in the car.

“It’s not funny Guanlin, I tried okay?” you pouted

“Hey don’t pout, You did good, Even if you did hit a couple cones, You did good and better than Jisung anyways,”

Wanna One Reaction |You wreck the car|

Jisung: You had been on your phone for awhile just texting and didn’t hit the breaks and ran right into another car. The old woman had got out and was more worried about you. This was the new car Jisung had just got you. So when you got home you gave him the keys.

“You can um…have these,” you said sitting down on the bar stool

“Why?” he asked turning around and sipping his orange juice

“I wrecked the car,” you said

He spit his drink up and put his cup down rushing to the car. (GIF)


Sungwoon: You were just now learning how to drive and Sungwoon agreed to let you use his car. So you got to and it didn’t go well when Daniel told you to back up. When you did the only thing you made contact with was the sign. Sungwoon was well aware.

“I backed up, He told me too,” you whined

“Who?, The damn sign you hit,” he joked

“Stop joking, I hate you,” you said

“Not as much as you hated that sign,”


Minhyun: You would both just stare at the car that now was messed up due to you speeding and hitting a tree. Which when he heard you were okay he wouldn’t scold you but rather worry.

“M-Minhyun, What about the car?, Aren’t you mad?” you asked

“I care more about you than that stupid car, It’ll be here, I’m just happy you’re okay, We’ll worry about this tomorrow, Now let’s go put some ice on your arm,”


Jaehwan: He would care about you but you had told him it was simple. You were waiting at the red light until some guy just hit the car from behind for no reason. So he would just stand there.

“Are you okay?” you asked eyeing your husband

“Okay?, Do we even have car insurance?”


Seongwu: It all started with you guys just playing around and making jokes. You were unaware it was time to come to a stop and when you did it was too late. Seongwu would unbuckle his seat belt and shake you. When you didn’t move he would worry but you woke up and gasped he would be happy.

“I’m okay, Are you okay?” you asked

“Very,” he smiled

“Shit we hit the car, What do I do?” you asked nervous

“Just wait for the police to arrive and we’ll get this all worked out,” he said

“Fuck you babe, I’m gonna go get something to drink, I’ve never handled this your on your own,” you got out

“Y/n- You can’t leave-, Come back-, Well shit,”


Daniel: He would be sleeping at night when he got call from you. You sat in the back of the ambulance waiting for him to pick up. So he rushed to the scene where the car was getting taken away.

“Are you okay?” he asked

“I’m okay, Just a little head bleed and that’s all,” you said

“How did this happen?” he asked

“The phone,” you said

“I told you to stop using it behind the wheel, From now on I’m keeping your phone,”


Jihoon: Well you were just on your way home and a little bit of a parking issue turned into you hitting multiple cars. So when Jihoon came down from the apartments to see a man talking shit to you he would ask what happened.

“She hit me and my wife’‘s car,” the man said

“I would be mad at him but right now I’m a little skeptical if you even put insurances on this car I bought you,”


Woojin: Well he was trying to tell you not to take Jisung’s advice on driving and you did anyway. So when you walked in the apartments standing in front of the tv.

“You remember that beautiful, Black, Car you got me, The one all your members just loved,” you said

“Yeah,” he said

“Well if a couple dents, and scratches makes it beautiful, Call yourself a lucky man today,” you said

“You wrecked it didn’t you?”


Jinyoung: You went on a shopping spree with Seongwu who agreed to let you drive the car halfway. Yet that didn’t work out when you hit the gas instead of the breaks. So you both sat there in front of the house.

“Seongwu, Out of all days why did you take my car?” you asked

“Daniel wouldn’t let me use his,” Seongwu said

“Yeah, and this is the last time you two will be using this one,”


Daehwi: He would just be talking to the camera when the manager had to tell him you wrecked the car. Also how you were making your way inside with the car you wrecked.

“She wrecked the car by parking too close to wanna one van,” he said

“Are you serious?, Did she even hit the break is the question,”


Guanlin: You were both going to meet the guys and it was important for you to drive there. So you told him that your mother taught you how to drive and to just watch. That turned into you guys hitting a sign.

“So did your mother teach you how to abuse your signs?”

Wanna One Reaction |They find out you went to a house party|

Jisung: At this point, he wasn’t surprised because he knew was to expect from you. Of course, you could hide it away from him all day as long as you want but he knew. So when you walked in telling him about your night he would chuckle.

“You went to a house party you really don’t have to lie to me, Love,” 


Sungwoon: He would be surprised since he never knew someone like you could manage that. Since you just seemed so mature but he guessed every once and awhile you can act young and immature. So he would pick you up. 

“I’ll take it as the party was fun,” he smiled

“How do you know?” you asked

“Well with the confetti on you I can tell,”


Minhyun: He would be worried about how you lied to him about everything. You had told him you would end up meeting his family but you never showed. So when Jaehwan sent him a video of you two drinking shots he would be upset. At home, you would want him to speak to you.

“I’m sorry Minhyun, I just wanted to have fun and I wanted to go to the party, Jaehwan and me are sorry,” you frowned 

“Jaehwan isn’t the issue Y/n, The fact you lied and had us waiting for you is what pissed me off,”


Jaehwan: You loved Jaehwan and you knew he would do what he could for you. So finding out you went to a house party was a little to much for him to process. At first he would be lost but hell if you told him. I think he would have gone with you since he loved the idea of fun too.

“The party was fun,” you smiled

“I’m happy you liked it, Next time tell me I would have went with you,”


Seongwu: He would honestly be a little happy to know where you went but also not happy. Since you agreed to cut off the parties and live like an adult should. He just wanted you to have things in life but instead you chose parties over it. Which is how the whole argument started.

“Seongwu, I should be able to go out and have fun, I need to have fun,” you said

“I understand, I wanna have fun with my life too but sometimes we have to grow up too, I just want you to grow up and be yourself, I agreed to date you because I love you, but this time I will not agree with you,”


Daniel: He would be pissed at the thought of you going to party instead of meeting his mother. This is what also made you upset with yourself. So when you rushed and ran into him you would look at him.

“Daniel, I’m sorry for missing it, I promise I’ll change,” you said

“You said that and this time is your 15th time telling me this, You just keep saying it but it won’t ever happen, I’m sorry Y/n but this just can’t continue with us, I want you but not this wild side of you,”


Jihoon: He would let you have your space and understand you wanting girl time with your friends. Though going to a party was not how he knew you would spend it. Which this time he would be like Daniel and would get sick of the same old thing.

“Jihoon, That party was wild, You totally missed it,” you smiled

“I’m sick of this, Look, Y/n meeting you was the best thing in the world, But you party every weekend, I’m leaving you tomorrow morning, Just change yourself why I’m gone, I can’t do this anymore, I’ll always love you and if you change, I might just come back to you,”


Woojin: This boy was chill with you going since he ended up going anyways. Meeting you there was a surprise but it ended up being fun since you guys danced all night. The next day you told the guys all about it.

“Woojin fell down the steps and landed on this one girl and it was so funny, I wish you guys saw him dancing, It was so bad, He slipped and just laid there,” you giggled

“No, Babe don’t tell them, I sometimes wonder why I ran into my girlfriend at that party,”


Jinyoung: Wouldn’t even care when he found out where you went. It was your life and if you chose to live it like that, He would go ahead and just let you do it. Sure you weren’t in the best state when you got home but oh well.

“Where’s Jinyoung,” you whined being tired

“Why did I agree to this, I’m right here, You’re like looking at me Y/n,”

Daewhi: He wouldn’t even find out because he caught you before you slide out the dorm door for that. Since you have been dying to attend this party it was a sneak out plan. Which your boyfriend was not having it.

“I’m sorry but that party is full of drunks and thirsty guys, You could get hurt, So I say you spill the tea and tell me all about this party you died to go too,”

Guanlin: You would think maybe he wouldn’t care since he wanted to have fun. Well you were wrong he cared so much he even showed up to the party. Once you arrived at the dorm you would be upset slightly.

“I was having fun, I can’t believe you did that,” You sat tossing your heels off

“Well, If you would stop jumping into everything it would be okay, I don’t like those girls, They always try to make you party, The girl I met wasn’t into that, So why suddenly?”

Daddies little girl |Changbin Dad Au|

< Minho : Woojin >


Summary: Changbin’s life was all about music until he had his little girl Channie. Now life is different for him cleaning up messes. Yet with her around her uncles, he has a thousand more to clean.




Channie was waiting for her appa to finish his job so she had an idea to bake for him. Rushing back to the dorm she walked into the kitchen. She was working on the cake mix. Changbin walked in and looked at his daughter with a mess on her and the kitchen.

“Oh lord, What did you do?” 



. Channie with Uncle Chan


Channie has been close to her uncle Chan since forever and that’s where her name came from. Chan was so caught up in buying things fro the dorm he forgot that Channie was outside waiting. Tapping her feet on the hard ground she waited. After hours of talking to a random guy, Changbin rushed over right when Chan walked out.

“You let my daughter talk to strangers?” he asked

“I forgot she was out here,” Chan whined

“How Hyung?, Just tell me how,” he said waving his arms

“Calm down appa, I’m okay,” she said

“I know but it’s dangerous,”



. Channie with Uncle Woojin, Ft. Hyunjin & Seungmin


They all were out enjoying their day at the park but Channie found the ducks by the pond very fascinating. She was standing by the pond giggling as she watched them. She bent a little too close and fell in the water. Gripping the grass from the ground she managed to get out. Changbin scolded his members before walking to his little girl.

“Are you okay?” he asked

“My uncles let me swim with ducks,” she cheered

“Channie that’s dangerous, That wasn’t swimming, You listen to me Channie, What you did was far from normal, You could have drowned in the water, So since they let you do it without watching, Woojin is gonna give you a bath, Hyunjin has to watch cartoons for 2 hours, Seungmin bakes you cookies and makes you dinner, Also…They have to clean my bed, The one you peed on, Hand washed,” he said 

The guys whined but Channie didn’t mine.

“Okay Appa,” she said happily

“Good, I hope they enjoy the job,” he said looking at them



. Channie with Uncle Jeongin


Channie and Jeongin were hanging out in the dorm with a Channie’s ‘Boyfriend’. Jeongin found it cute how they acted like they were a thing. Changbin walked in and sighed.

“Appa, My boyfriend is here,” she smiled

“Channie, You’re too young for a boyfriend,” Changbin said

“Uncle Jeongin agreed to let us take wedding photos,” she said 

“Jeongin, When I count to 10 that’s your ass,”



. Channie’s Performance


Channie was finally about to perform with her class but her dad wasn’t here. She started to dance and Chan cheered her on. She continued to dance and finally finished it up. As she hugged her uncle’s.

“I’m sad appa missed it,” she said

“I didn’t miss it,” he said 

Changbin hugged Channie and gave her the rose.

“I would never miss anything,”


Stray Kids Reaction |Their S/O studying late at night| |REQUEST|

Chan: He would be worried you have hardly even got up to even stretch. So he would take matters into his own hands. Standing up he would grab your book and slowly close it.

“Bang Chan!, I wasn’t done,” you whined

“Yeah you were, It’s late and you need some rest, Tomorrow you can study, Now come on to bed,” 


Woojin: As you’ve been studying he walked to the room smiling as he had brought you some food. Instead of even looking at him you kept studying. He would smile and give you a kiss which caught you off guard.

“Why did you do that?” you asked

“Because you wouldn’t eat your food, Now silly, Eat your food, I started you a bath, After that close your book and let’s go to bed, Love you,”


Minho: He would worry since you haven’t even taken your eyes off your books. He would pick them up and you would be slightly upset. Yet he would give you a kiss on the cheek.

“How dare you Lee Minho,” You crossed your arms

“Hey, My girl/boy overworking herself/himself, She/He needs her/his sleep, Like how I need her/his cuddles,”

Changbin: You’ve been at the kitchen table and he woke back up to see that you were never beside him. So walking in the kitchen he saw you sleeping peacefully. Packing your things he would pick you up and lay you in bed.

“Is there ever a time my baby isn’t working herself/Himself?”

Hyunjin: You met up with him in the dorm but Chan was awake and he assumed you would be awake too. You kept trying to fight sleep but it wasn’t working. So he walked over.

“Okay sleepy head, You keep fighting sleep, it’s time you go to bed, Put the books away, Let’s go cuddle,”

Jisung: Why he was working on his rap he continued to see you study. As he finished up he walked over to you. Which you haven’t been eating. He would sit beside you.

“Before you come to play around babe, I’m working babe,” you said

“Oh I didn’t come to do that, I just came to tell you, We’re going to the dorm, We’re going to eat, and you will get the rest you need,”

Felix: All day he’s been trying to get you to take one break but you never moved from your spot. So he would pick you up and take you to his room as he closed your books.

“Felix, I was studying you know?, I can’t fail,” you said

“You are smart and I care about you getting rest, Now let’s rest,”

Seungmin: He would be upset you even worked yourself this hard for a grade. As you were studying he would be waiting for you. Afterward, he would give you a kiss on the cheek and a back hug.

“What’s got you so down Seungmin?” you asked

“The fact that you’ve been working hard on yourself, I just want you to get some rest,”

Jeongin: He would do everything to get you to leave your study alone. You, on the other hand, didn’t pay attention to it and continued to study. As you worked hard he would pick up your book.

“Give that back Jeongin, I’ve been working hard, Please don’t mess that up now,” you whined

“Babe I was never gonna mess that up for you, Let’s get some rest tonight, In the morning, We can get some breakfast, After that, you can continue, But please babe and I mean please, Stop overworking yourself,”

Stray Kids Reaction |Being in a bad mood and telling their s/o something hurtful| |REQUEST|

Chan: He was stressed and never really talked to anyone when he was. So you had walked into the room to see him still writing. You saw it was 2 in the morning now. You lightly tapped his shoulder.

“Chan you should get some rest, This work is gonna be here,” you said

“You should honestly shut up, You’ve been bothering me all day, Can’t you see I don’t wanna be with you right now, God Y/n you are so annoying,” he said 

You had nodded your head walking out the bedroom and to the guest bedroom where you locked the door and laid in the bed. Chan sighed as he went to open the door but it was locked. So he sat down back against the door. Hearing you cry.

“Y/n, I’m sorry, Please stop crying I didn’t mean it, I stopped working if you open the door I’ll go to sleep with you,”


Woojin: You knew important work was for Woojin since he had so much he needed to do. Which you just wanted to help him out because you were worried he would overwork himself. 

“Woojin, I think you stop now, You are sweating, You are hot, You are tired, I just wanna know you’ll be okay,” you said wiping the sweat on his face

“Would you stop? You’ve been in my ear all day long about how I need to stop, If I didn’t work who would take care of you?, I’m the only man who is gonna be able to help you,” he scoffed

You never depended on a man and it hurt to make people think you did. Sure he did buy you nice things but you just wanted to help from taking so much money from him. He sighed and wiped your tears away.

“I know you wanna help me, I’m sorry for saying that, I promise we can go now, And cuddle all you want,”


Minho: He’s been working all day and you just wanted him to take a break. This time you’ve had enough and walked over cutting the music off. He would be upset and walk over.

“What are you doing?” he asked 

“Giving you a break before you overwork yourself,” you said

“Dealing with you is like overworking myself, Now if you would like to shut up and leave that would be nice,” he said cutting the music on 

You walked out and silently cried by the door as the song kept going. Minho would walk out and look over to see you.

“I-I’m sorry, I was so stressed out, I was an asshole and I know you just want me to be healthy,”


Changbin: It was a night in the studio for Stray Kids but tomorrow it was going to be you and Changbin’s 4 year anniversary. So when you kept bothering him the guys would slowly watch.

“Tomorrow is a huge day for us Changbin, I planned a whole day for us and we promised to do something,” you whined

“Look Y/n, My work is more important than our stupid Anniversary, Our anniversary wasn’t going to help me and my members out, take your stupid plans somewhere else,” he said 

You nodded your head and ripped up the list walking out. You thought he would react maybe a simple wait or even a stop. Yet no he didn’t and that’s when you walked to your sister apartment. Assuming maybe he wasn’t ready for a relationship.


Hyunjin: You were worried about Hyunjin and really knew he would take his dancing very seriously. This is the 8th time he’s danced to My Pace. You were so sick of watching him overwork himself. So you did what you could.

“Hyunjin,” you said softly

“Huh?” he said drinking his water

“I think you should come home with me and relax, I-I’m worried about you,” you said

“Worried?, The only thing you should be worried about is yourself, You aren’t far from anything honey, Now if you would leave and do me that huge favor I’ll thank you for the rest of my life,” he said starting the song again

After his practice, he walked out and saw you waiting.

“You waited?, I thought you would leave me here for being an asshole, It’s 1 in the morning babe, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t keep you here any longer, I’m such a fool,”


Jisung: You had sat in the small apartment waiting for Jisung to come home. Which when he did you could tell he was in a bad mood. After his shower, he sat on the couch.

“Jisung,” you said

“Leave me alone, I don’t wanna be bothered with you right now, Honestly ever,” he said 

You nodded your head and stayed silent the whole time until you felt tired. He felt bad. 

“I’m sorry baby, I shouldn’t have been such an ass, Forgive me?”


Felix: You had been outside of JYP with Felix he hasn’t been so happy today. Which work was stressing him out and he was angry about a lot of things. You just wanted to try and calm him.

“Felix, You really should try and take a break, I mean if work is stressing you so much, Don’t do it,” you said

“I have no choice, Yet you would never understand since all you do is sleep all day, Being with you is a burden to me, Maybe if you got up and did things, I would love you,” he scoffed

You felt your heart break as he said those words to you. Which you sat in silence with the wind blowing in your hair. He soon pulled you to his chest.

“I’m so sorry, I-I’m such an asshole to you, Please just forget what I said, I didn’t mean it,”


Seungmin: The sound of the clock ticking was all that could be heard. Seungmin was in a bad mood which was one you’ve never seen before. He kept talking with anger.

“Babe…I think you should calm down,” you said

“Oh shut up Y/n, You have nothing to worry about, You’ll never know what it likes to be working and stressed from something,” he spat

As you stood in place Seungmin noticed what he said. As you kept still.

“I really didn’t mean it,”

Jeongin: Most times when he was like this you would give him his space. Yet this time you were unaware of how angry he was. That was until he took it out on you.

“Would you leave me alone?, I hate you when you bother me,” he spat

You had sat on the bed silent until he hugged you.

“I’m so sorry for that, I really didn’t mean it, You are my everything and without you, I would be lost,” he said

“I forgive you Jeongin,” you smiled

“I think maybe it’s best if we just cuddle and take a nap,”