Daddies little girl |Changbin Dad Au|

< Minho : Woojin >


Summary: Changbin’s life was all about music until he had his little girl Channie. Now life is different for him cleaning up messes. Yet with her around her uncles, he has a thousand more to clean.




Channie was waiting for her appa to finish his job so she had an idea to bake for him. Rushing back to the dorm she walked into the kitchen. She was working on the cake mix. Changbin walked in and looked at his daughter with a mess on her and the kitchen.

“Oh lord, What did you do?” 



. Channie with Uncle Chan


Channie has been close to her uncle Chan since forever and that’s where her name came from. Chan was so caught up in buying things fro the dorm he forgot that Channie was outside waiting. Tapping her feet on the hard ground she waited. After hours of talking to a random guy, Changbin rushed over right when Chan walked out.

“You let my daughter talk to strangers?” he asked

“I forgot she was out here,” Chan whined

“How Hyung?, Just tell me how,” he said waving his arms

“Calm down appa, I’m okay,” she said

“I know but it’s dangerous,”



. Channie with Uncle Woojin, Ft. Hyunjin & Seungmin


They all were out enjoying their day at the park but Channie found the ducks by the pond very fascinating. She was standing by the pond giggling as she watched them. She bent a little too close and fell in the water. Gripping the grass from the ground she managed to get out. Changbin scolded his members before walking to his little girl.

“Are you okay?” he asked

“My uncles let me swim with ducks,” she cheered

“Channie that’s dangerous, That wasn’t swimming, You listen to me Channie, What you did was far from normal, You could have drowned in the water, So since they let you do it without watching, Woojin is gonna give you a bath, Hyunjin has to watch cartoons for 2 hours, Seungmin bakes you cookies and makes you dinner, Also…They have to clean my bed, The one you peed on, Hand washed,” he said 

The guys whined but Channie didn’t mine.

“Okay Appa,” she said happily

“Good, I hope they enjoy the job,” he said looking at them



. Channie with Uncle Jeongin


Channie and Jeongin were hanging out in the dorm with a Channie’s ‘Boyfriend’. Jeongin found it cute how they acted like they were a thing. Changbin walked in and sighed.

“Appa, My boyfriend is here,” she smiled

“Channie, You’re too young for a boyfriend,” Changbin said

“Uncle Jeongin agreed to let us take wedding photos,” she said 

“Jeongin, When I count to 10 that’s your ass,”



. Channie’s Performance


Channie was finally about to perform with her class but her dad wasn’t here. She started to dance and Chan cheered her on. She continued to dance and finally finished it up. As she hugged her uncle’s.

“I’m sad appa missed it,” she said

“I didn’t miss it,” he said 

Changbin hugged Channie and gave her the rose.

“I would never miss anything,”


My little boy |Bang Chan, Dad Au|

Felix : Minho >


Chan’s son is his one and only best friend and they are so much alike. Yet living in the dorm with the members and leaving him with them never comes out to be a good thing. Let me just say Chan has a hard time.


Today was a hard day for Chan he was stressed and plus Min was sick and in his bed resting. Chan was crying due to stress but Min knew his father was stressed. Chan was crying and Min walked in where all the members looked at him.

“Appa are you okay?” Min asked

“Yeah buddy I will be,” Chan said 

“It’s okay to cry appa, I’ll still love you,” Min said 

“Thanks, little man that means a lot,” 



. Min with Uncle Woojin


Min loves Woojin and begged his appa to let him stay with his uncle so Chan let him. Which wasn’t such a bright idea since he came back to the dorm looking like a jungle gym. The pillows were on the floor, The floor was wet, The kitchen was a mess. Chan looked at them both.

“I leave for like 2 minutes and you guys already have it looking like this, I’m not cleaning it this time,”



. Min with Uncle Seungmin


After that day of what happened when Min was with Woojin, he had left him with Seungmin. Since Seungmin seemed to be the best at this but once again he was wrong. Because when Chan spotted his son wondering around himself he was kind of surprised.

“Looking for anyone?” Chan asked

“Uncle Seungmin, He walked off and hasn’t come back,” Min said

Chan walked Min to Seungmin who was looking for him

“I think you forgot to watch my son,”



. Min with Uncle Felix


Felix has been a good uncle and Chan thought he was the sanest one. When the boys were hanging out with Min they had noticed Min acting differently. Which seemed off to Chan so he asked his son what was wrong.

“What’s wrong Min?” Chan asked

“Nothing…” Min pouted

“With the sad look on your face I can tell something is wrong son, You can tell me I’m your father after all,” he said

“Well at the daycare today uncle Felix got into an argument with a lady today, Her daughter was laughing at me for having only an appa and not an eomma,” Min said

Chan looked over at Felix who pouted too and pointed to Min who was crying

“Hey now Min, Not everyone has an appa and not everyone has an eomma it just depends on everything, Which you are very lucky to have me and uncle Felix,” 



. Min’s first day


Chan was protective over Min meaning he was gonna do anything for him. Today Chan was gonna let Min go stay the night with some other kids. Sure he didn’t really love the idea since this is the first time he let his son go anywhere with someone that wasn’t his uncles.

“Stop worrying appa, I’m gonna make sure to be strong for you,” Min smiled

“I know Min but I worry about you,” Chan said

“I’m gonna be fine after being tossed in a pool by Seungmin, Left at the park by Woojin, Forgotten in the store by Changbin, I’m gonna be okay appa,” Min smiled

“You have a point”

My little girl |Minho, Dad Au|

 < Chan : Changbin >


Summary: Being an Idol is a lot of work but so is being a single dad too. Lee Minho is a single dad and an idol. Working every day he learns how to take care of her. He’s not ready for the mess that comes ahead.


Minho sighed as he was getting ready to perform on stage with his little girl in the dressing room watching. Minho is a single father and to admit he isn’t ready for this. When Lee Eunji was born he was aware of it and soon took his baby. Now here he is still raising her.

“You’re up,” his manager said

He smiled as he thought of his little girl being proud of her father. The fans cheered as the boys were performing. Eunji though has always been the type to mess with something. 

“Where’s appa,” she asked 

Once she was pointed at the stage she was super happy to see her father. Unaware of her running on stage she ran up and jumped in her appa’s arms.




. Eunji and Uncle Jeongin


Eunji went to the cafe with Jeongin but there is a slight issue with it, Eunji was left behind. Jeongin was such in a rush to make it to work he left Eunji. Yet she had no issue since she didn’t get to finish her cheesecake. Jeongin rushed into the practice room.

“Okay I’m ready for practice,” he said  

“Where’s Eunji?” Minho asked

Jeongin’s eyes went really big.

“You left my daughter at the cafe…Didn’t you?”



. Eunji and Uncle Hyunjin


Hyunjin loves Eunji because she’s always been into dancing and went to him to learn. Today he took her to shop for some outfits but in the middle of checking out some shoes, she was gone. Hyunjin soon sighed looking back and not seeing her going into a deep panic. Minho and Eunji watched him run around looking for her.

“Should we tell him appa?” she asked

“No, he deserves it for letting you walk off like that, Maybe in an hour,” 



. Eunji and Appa Minho


Minho got the hang of parenting so he thought she would behave better since she wasn’t around her uncles. The day was going nicely because he let her go outside and play. Yet she walked back in with dirt in her hair and mud on her clothes. 

“Appa I chased this puppy, Can we keep it?”

“You Chased-, You have mud all over-, Why is your-, You know what…That’s up to Uncle Chan”



. Eunji with Uncle Chan (Ft. Seungmin, Changbin)


Minho was going out to get the cake to celebrate Stray Kids success and he left her in the dorm with Chan, Seungmin, And Changbin. Eunji needed a bath so Chan had started the water. After letting her take a bath they noticed she never came out.

“Maybe we should wait,” Seungmin said

Soon enough Minho walked in the house.

“Eunji hasn’t come out the bath yet,” Changbin said

Minho walked into the bathroom and seen the floor was wet.

“How do you manage this?”



. Eunji with Uncle Woojin (Ft. Felix, Jisung) 


Today Minho agreed to let them take Eunji out to have fun since he was stuck at work. Which they did take her out and to admit everyone was having fun. Eunji noticed a store full of toys. Without a second thought she ran across the road. But she didn’t know Minho was standing there watching. The guys were confused.

“So you just let my daughter run off to a store?”



. Eunji’s birthday


It’s time, Eunji’s 5th birthday has arrived, Which it sucks to watch her grow for Minho. Today her appa and uncles gathered together to surprise her. After a couple hours of waiting to see them again, it was time. Eunji opened the door and smiled as she seen her appa and uncles.



My little baby, Dad Au |REQUEST|

Anon: Can I request an Imagine with Felix where he’s a single dad with a baby?


Summary: Many people judge Felix for being so young and having a baby boy. Yet no one knows how much he works to take care of his little one. This is a story that will tell the point of view of Minjung with his uncles and his father. 

Author Note: I’m gonna make him a toddler instead.


The boys laughed and talked as Minjung was eating his food sitting beside his father. Felix is young but he never let that stop him from taking care of his son. Many people find him a very young man who should have waited. The guys were shocked and to admit slightly worried. The mother was unknown to them since she did leave her son at the door. 

Minjung finished his food.

“Can I have some dessert now?” Minjung asked

“Did you eat the veggies uncle Chan made?” Felix asked 

“Yeah,” He smiled

Felix took the money out his pocket giving it to Jisung.

“Take him to get some ice cream, Do not let him have a lot just one,” Felix said 

“What kind of Uncle would I be?” Jisung chuckled 


. Minjung with Uncle Jisung


Jisung and Minjung walked into the store scanning the ice cream flavors. Minjung isn’t allowed to have a lot of sugar because he acts up. Yet knowing his uncle Jisung well he knew his uncle wouldn’t care. Minjung grabbed all the ice cream he could and walked to his uncle.

“Is this all?” Jisung asked 

“Yeah,” Minjung replied

Jisung paid for the ice cream they sat at the picnic table in the front opening the bag.

“Eat these before we go back,” Jisung said 

Minjung was eating the ice cream one by one until they both looked back to see Felix.

“You guys were gone for some time,” Felix said 

Jisung and Minjung looked at each other. 

“When I say run you better run,” Jisung said 

Jisung counted and they soon started running from Felix.

 “Why is parenting so hard,” 


. Minjung with Uncle Changbin


Minjung woke up to see his father cleaning up the toys in the dorm. Minjung rubbed his eyes.

“Appa,” he said

“Hmm?” Felix hummed as he put toys in the box

“What are you doing?” he asked

“You had a lot of sugar and got a little hyper, Appa is gonna go shopping with Minho and Chan today, You’ll be in the studio with Changbin,” Felix said standing up from picking up the toys

Felix gave Minjung his bath after everything he was ready to go.

“I’ll be back,” Felix said 

He gave Minjung a kiss on his forehead before walking out the dorm Changbin and Minjung nodded their heads at each other. Pulling out the video games and snacks they started to play games. 

“Appa had blond hair before, I want that,” Minjung whined

“He probably won’t care,” Changbin said

Changbin was busy getting Minjung’s hair blond since he wanted to look like Felix. Ater hours Minjung had perfect hair that was blond.

“I got a text wanna show appa?” Changbin asked 

Minjung and Changbin walked into the studio where Felix was in shock but due to being tired it wasn’t a big reaction.

“Changbin, My son…He’s blond, Come on Minjung we need to get your hair black again,” 


. Minjung and Uncle Chan


Felix was heading to the daycare that Minjung was going to since they needed to speak to parents. Today he was leaving him with Chan since he trusted him to do more. Chan knew he wasn’t gonna have sugar today and was all about keeping his son in good health.

“Bye appa,” Minjung hugged him

“Bye Minjung, Be good for Uncle Chan,” he said

Felix walked out as Minjung and Chan headed to the kitchen. Minjung loves to watch his uncle cook so he can learn. Although his uncle was busy he stood in the chair watching him.

“Wanna cook?” Chan asked

“Yeah,” Minjung said

Minjung and Chan started cooking as Chan had heard Minho calling his name he looked over at Minjung.

“I’m gonna go see what Uncle Minho wants,” Chan said

Walking away Minjung looked at the uncut Onion.

“Maybe appa will be proud of me for helping uncle Chan cut,” he said

As he picked up the knife Felix walked in.

“I forgot my-” He rushed over

Chan came in the kitchen.

“Can you explain why my son was in here?” 


. Minjung and Uncle Minho (Ft, Uncle Jeongin)


Felix had to film which meant he was leaving Minjung with Minho and Jeongin. After everything that’s happen Felix isn’t sure if taking him would be good. He just doesn’t want anything to happen like last time. Once again he walked out the door and the guys were heading to the park. Yet little did they know Felix was filming there.

“Go play and be good,” Minho said

“I will,” Minjung said

He ran over to the playground and started to play around having fun. 

“Feels good to finally be out,” Jeongin said

“Yeah since Felix has been busy I feel bad,” Minho said

“Hey but think about it what we’re doing is a good thing it means he can finally do something without’s panicking over Minjung,” Jeongin said 

Felix was walking around and spotted his son in a puddle of mud getting wet and dirty. He was making his way over to his son.

“Oh lord, you tell them to do one thing and they do something else,”


. Minjung and Uncle Hyunjin, (Ft. Seungmin & Woojin)


Today Felix just wanted to do somethign without having to worry about his son getting hurt. So Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Woojin said they would do it just so he can relax for once. Getting the hang of the parenting makes it harder but easy at the same time for him. They took him to an indoor amusement park. 

“Okay Minjung stay with us,” Hyunjin smiled

He nodded his head and enjoyed his day playing games with his uncles. They soon all went into the ball pit to play and have fun. Why enjoyed themselves they failed to notice Minjung was gone. Going into panic they got out and ran around calling his name avoiding the fact they had left their shoes. 

“Hey guys, I decided to pick up Minjung,” Felix smiled

The guys looked at each other.

“F-Felix…We lost him,” Woojin said

“No you didn’t, I found him hanging out with other people, When we get to the dorm, We all need to talk,” 




After a couple days of going through tough times it was the day where the child would speak about their life at daycare. Thanking their parents for everything. The guys took their seats as they watched every kid enjoy speaking about their parents. Soon enough Minjung smiled.

“Hello my name is Minjung, I’m 4 years old, My appa and uncles are pretty silly, Despite uncle Jisung giving me a lot of sugar, Uncle Changbin letting me change the color of my hair to blond, Uncle Chan letting me cut food with him and getting in trouble, Playing in mud and getting scolded by appa which uncle Minho and Jeongin got scolded too, With Uncle Hyunjin painting on the walls with me, Washing clothes and turning them pink which by the way appa I’m sorry, Uncle Seungmin forgetting me at daycare and Uncle Woojin letting me use fireworks, I still love them,” he said

Everyone laughed and so did Minjung.

“My hero is my appa, He works hard to take care of me and although I give him stress he still deals with me, I remember him telling me he was gonna get old before his time, He would play games and he makes sure I’m doing good, There was a time when Appa was tired but he still got up to take care of me, Thank you appa I love you,” Minjung said

“I love you too”