Link to my page is Here 

Before you click it here is why I am putting it here. The new Christmas book will have Stray Kids. I need 9 girls who love them to go on my page and comment their name and bias if they wanna be in it. Bias is a love interest in the book for your character.

I hope you join. Also holding a contest of the best cover!

Title of the book: Holiday Heart


Rules of book cover contest!

  1. All covers must be made by self and not used by other owners
  2. Do not cheat or steal the idea of other people
  3. You may use whatever to edit it and you can do what you want 
  4. Credits to the owner of the cover
  5. Send it through, Email or Tumblr Text, If you do not own this KakaoTalk works. 

@bunnybabygirl-kj Hewwo uwu could you ship me with someone from Nct 127 got7 and stray kids or big bang if you don’t know stray kids

Thank chu~

(Here you go, I didn’t think you wanted it private since you never said but here you go darling, I’m sorry for the late work I did big bang too so you have an extra one)


In NCT 127 I ship you with: Mark


Relationship with Mark: He is the kind of guy to be all shy at first but dearly in love afterward. Mark may still be a bit shy with you but it’s okay since he is with some people. He also works hard and wants to make you proud even though you already are.

In Got7 I ship you with: Bambam


Relationship with Bambam: He is that one boyfriend who does everything with you. He also spoils you half to death and would buy you gifts even without asking. But behind his side of spoiling you he just adores you and wouldn’t trade you for anyone.

In Stray Kids I ship you with: Chan 


Relationship with Chan: He is a hard-working leader meaning he is the same as your boyfriend. He works hard to plan the perfect dates, Buy you the best meals. But he loves your days together more than the dates you go on. He is also the type to have so many photos of you guys together.

In Big Bang I ship you with: T.O.P


Relationship with T.O.P: He is a protective boyfriend but gives space when needed. He is also the kind to see something you like and think of you within a second. His heart for you would be so big and he would plan so much for you.

Stray Kids Reaction |Their S/O studying late at night| |REQUEST|

Chan: He would be worried you have hardly even got up to even stretch. So he would take matters into his own hands. Standing up he would grab your book and slowly close it.

“Bang Chan!, I wasn’t done,” you whined

“Yeah you were, It’s late and you need some rest, Tomorrow you can study, Now come on to bed,” 


Woojin: As you’ve been studying he walked to the room smiling as he had brought you some food. Instead of even looking at him you kept studying. He would smile and give you a kiss which caught you off guard.

“Why did you do that?” you asked

“Because you wouldn’t eat your food, Now silly, Eat your food, I started you a bath, After that close your book and let’s go to bed, Love you,”


Minho: He would worry since you haven’t even taken your eyes off your books. He would pick them up and you would be slightly upset. Yet he would give you a kiss on the cheek.

“How dare you Lee Minho,” You crossed your arms

“Hey, My girl/boy overworking herself/himself, She/He needs her/his sleep, Like how I need her/his cuddles,”

Changbin: You’ve been at the kitchen table and he woke back up to see that you were never beside him. So walking in the kitchen he saw you sleeping peacefully. Packing your things he would pick you up and lay you in bed.

“Is there ever a time my baby isn’t working herself/Himself?”

Hyunjin: You met up with him in the dorm but Chan was awake and he assumed you would be awake too. You kept trying to fight sleep but it wasn’t working. So he walked over.

“Okay sleepy head, You keep fighting sleep, it’s time you go to bed, Put the books away, Let’s go cuddle,”

Jisung: Why he was working on his rap he continued to see you study. As he finished up he walked over to you. Which you haven’t been eating. He would sit beside you.

“Before you come to play around babe, I’m working babe,” you said

“Oh I didn’t come to do that, I just came to tell you, We’re going to the dorm, We’re going to eat, and you will get the rest you need,”

Felix: All day he’s been trying to get you to take one break but you never moved from your spot. So he would pick you up and take you to his room as he closed your books.

“Felix, I was studying you know?, I can’t fail,” you said

“You are smart and I care about you getting rest, Now let’s rest,”

Seungmin: He would be upset you even worked yourself this hard for a grade. As you were studying he would be waiting for you. Afterward, he would give you a kiss on the cheek and a back hug.

“What’s got you so down Seungmin?” you asked

“The fact that you’ve been working hard on yourself, I just want you to get some rest,”

Jeongin: He would do everything to get you to leave your study alone. You, on the other hand, didn’t pay attention to it and continued to study. As you worked hard he would pick up your book.

“Give that back Jeongin, I’ve been working hard, Please don’t mess that up now,” you whined

“Babe I was never gonna mess that up for you, Let’s get some rest tonight, In the morning, We can get some breakfast, After that, you can continue, But please babe and I mean please, Stop overworking yourself,”

Stray Kids Reaction |Being in a bad mood and telling their s/o something hurtful| |REQUEST|

Chan: He was stressed and never really talked to anyone when he was. So you had walked into the room to see him still writing. You saw it was 2 in the morning now. You lightly tapped his shoulder.

“Chan you should get some rest, This work is gonna be here,” you said

“You should honestly shut up, You’ve been bothering me all day, Can’t you see I don’t wanna be with you right now, God Y/n you are so annoying,” he said 

You had nodded your head walking out the bedroom and to the guest bedroom where you locked the door and laid in the bed. Chan sighed as he went to open the door but it was locked. So he sat down back against the door. Hearing you cry.

“Y/n, I’m sorry, Please stop crying I didn’t mean it, I stopped working if you open the door I’ll go to sleep with you,”


Woojin: You knew important work was for Woojin since he had so much he needed to do. Which you just wanted to help him out because you were worried he would overwork himself. 

“Woojin, I think you stop now, You are sweating, You are hot, You are tired, I just wanna know you’ll be okay,” you said wiping the sweat on his face

“Would you stop? You’ve been in my ear all day long about how I need to stop, If I didn’t work who would take care of you?, I’m the only man who is gonna be able to help you,” he scoffed

You never depended on a man and it hurt to make people think you did. Sure he did buy you nice things but you just wanted to help from taking so much money from him. He sighed and wiped your tears away.

“I know you wanna help me, I’m sorry for saying that, I promise we can go now, And cuddle all you want,”


Minho: He’s been working all day and you just wanted him to take a break. This time you’ve had enough and walked over cutting the music off. He would be upset and walk over.

“What are you doing?” he asked 

“Giving you a break before you overwork yourself,” you said

“Dealing with you is like overworking myself, Now if you would like to shut up and leave that would be nice,” he said cutting the music on 

You walked out and silently cried by the door as the song kept going. Minho would walk out and look over to see you.

“I-I’m sorry, I was so stressed out, I was an asshole and I know you just want me to be healthy,”


Changbin: It was a night in the studio for Stray Kids but tomorrow it was going to be you and Changbin’s 4 year anniversary. So when you kept bothering him the guys would slowly watch.

“Tomorrow is a huge day for us Changbin, I planned a whole day for us and we promised to do something,” you whined

“Look Y/n, My work is more important than our stupid Anniversary, Our anniversary wasn’t going to help me and my members out, take your stupid plans somewhere else,” he said 

You nodded your head and ripped up the list walking out. You thought he would react maybe a simple wait or even a stop. Yet no he didn’t and that’s when you walked to your sister apartment. Assuming maybe he wasn’t ready for a relationship.


Hyunjin: You were worried about Hyunjin and really knew he would take his dancing very seriously. This is the 8th time he’s danced to My Pace. You were so sick of watching him overwork himself. So you did what you could.

“Hyunjin,” you said softly

“Huh?” he said drinking his water

“I think you should come home with me and relax, I-I’m worried about you,” you said

“Worried?, The only thing you should be worried about is yourself, You aren’t far from anything honey, Now if you would leave and do me that huge favor I’ll thank you for the rest of my life,” he said starting the song again

After his practice, he walked out and saw you waiting.

“You waited?, I thought you would leave me here for being an asshole, It’s 1 in the morning babe, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t keep you here any longer, I’m such a fool,”


Jisung: You had sat in the small apartment waiting for Jisung to come home. Which when he did you could tell he was in a bad mood. After his shower, he sat on the couch.

“Jisung,” you said

“Leave me alone, I don’t wanna be bothered with you right now, Honestly ever,” he said 

You nodded your head and stayed silent the whole time until you felt tired. He felt bad. 

“I’m sorry baby, I shouldn’t have been such an ass, Forgive me?”


Felix: You had been outside of JYP with Felix he hasn’t been so happy today. Which work was stressing him out and he was angry about a lot of things. You just wanted to try and calm him.

“Felix, You really should try and take a break, I mean if work is stressing you so much, Don’t do it,” you said

“I have no choice, Yet you would never understand since all you do is sleep all day, Being with you is a burden to me, Maybe if you got up and did things, I would love you,” he scoffed

You felt your heart break as he said those words to you. Which you sat in silence with the wind blowing in your hair. He soon pulled you to his chest.

“I’m so sorry, I-I’m such an asshole to you, Please just forget what I said, I didn’t mean it,”


Seungmin: The sound of the clock ticking was all that could be heard. Seungmin was in a bad mood which was one you’ve never seen before. He kept talking with anger.

“Babe…I think you should calm down,” you said

“Oh shut up Y/n, You have nothing to worry about, You’ll never know what it likes to be working and stressed from something,” he spat

As you stood in place Seungmin noticed what he said. As you kept still.

“I really didn’t mean it,”

Jeongin: Most times when he was like this you would give him his space. Yet this time you were unaware of how angry he was. That was until he took it out on you.

“Would you leave me alone?, I hate you when you bother me,” he spat

You had sat on the bed silent until he hugged you.

“I’m so sorry for that, I really didn’t mean it, You are my everything and without you, I would be lost,” he said

“I forgive you Jeongin,” you smiled

“I think maybe it’s best if we just cuddle and take a nap,”

Stray Kids Reaction |Their s/o hurting their leg and wanting to cry but hides it| |REQUEST|

Chan: He would wonder why you were sitting down with your eyes about to water. Though he didn’t think much of it. So when he walked into the dorm to find you limping he would carry you to couch. Before he let you say anything he lifted up your pant leg. To see a big bruise on it.

“I’m fine Chan,” you said

“No you aren’t, I know you’re hurting, When these things happen you shouldn’t keep it from me, I worry about you and I don’t want you to hurt,”


Woojin: You promised Woojin you would meet up with him today but you were in a rush. Which made you trip and cut your leg pretty badly since you hit it on the rock. Of course, you would hold in your tears and wince in pain. Yet Woojn would end up showing up and asking what’s wrong.

“Y/n are you okay?” he asked

“Yeah totally fine,” you faked a smile 

Soon enough you couldn’t hold it in and cried so he would check your leg.

“Y/n you got hurt, Seriously baby you were gonna lie?, I want you to know meeting me could have waited, Let’s go to the dorm, Chan is cooking and please, When you get hurt don’t lie and tell me,” he smiled


Minho: As a member of your dance crew you needed to practice somethings. Yet you fell again, again, and again. Sighing you stood up to complete the next move but you failed. Once you took a break you winced in pain. Minho and his members walked in.

“Y/n, Why are you holding your leg?” he asked

“No reason just a habit of mine,” you lied

He nodded but soon enough during his practice you couldn’t help it but limp to the door.

“Seriously,” he said looking at your leg

You sighed.

“There isn’t a reason to lie to me, Look at it, You need to know Babe, I know you and your dance crew are doing a lot for your performance but stop please, I’ll take you to the dorm and put some ice on it, Get some rest and stop acting like you’re okay when you are hurting,”


Changbin: Today you were playing with Seungmin and Jeongin and happened to get hurt. Seungmin said sorry so many times but you told him it was okay. You wiped your eyes before anything could come out of them. Changbin was in confusion when he saw you sitting down. Yet when he watched you cry he knew something was wrong.

“Is everything okay baby?” he asked

“Yeah just hurting a little, It’s that time of the month,” you said 

“Time of the month, or is it that huge bruise on your leg that Seungmin kicked you in?” he asked

You nodded your head.

“Do you lie to me when you’re hurting most times?”


Hyunjin: He wouldn’t have a clue until he silently watched you cry. So he knew something was wrong but he had no clue. As he walked over he would look at your leg to see it red.

“How did this happen?” he asked wiping your tears

“When I was cooking for you I got burned when I spilled the water on me that was boiling,” you explained

“So you lied?, Babe you brought me food 2 hours ago and you tell me now, I get it you’re hurting and such but you shouldn’t lie to me about anything, Just wait for this to be over and we are going home, No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it, You’re hurting and I care more about you than this practice,”


Jisung: You came to see him in the studio which you hurt yourself at home by falling down the stairs. The whole night you were silent and Jisung had looked over from the computer to see you looking down.

“Hey what’s wrong?” he asked

“Nothing,” you lied

“If you crying is nothing, I’m worried,” he said

You showed him the bruised leg that was giving you pain.

“How did this happen?” he asked

“I fell downstairs,” you admitted

“You should have told me about it, Something like this might be small but if it hurts I gotta know,”


Felix: You promised to be his dance partner for some competition. Yet when he was supposed to spin you, you happen to fall. But you played it off although it hurt like a hell. So when he walked out you cried and rubbed your leg but he ended up walking in.

“Your leg, Did I hurt it when I spun you?” he asked

“Yeah but it’s okay,” you said

“No it’s not and I’m sorry, Just stop acting like it doesn’t hurt, Get on my back, We can go out and eat and soon enough go to sleep, I’m sorry about that babe,”


Seungmin: You guys had been playing for hours in the dorms and to admit it was fun. You guys kept playing and soon enough he got on his bed and you hit your leg on it. You soon wiped your tears and Seungmin would hop off the bed.

“Babe how bad is it?” he asked 

“I’m fine,” you smiled

“Liar, Stop telling lies, You really are hurting, Now sit on the bed, Enough playing,”


Jeongin: You had finished a soccer game which Jeongin was not there to see sadly. You and another player from the other team hit each other and it hurt your leg. So when you met him in the dorms you had to play it cool.

“You look like you were about to cry, Are you okay?” he asked 

“More than ever babe,” you giggled

“I’m serious,” he said looking dead at you

“Fine, I and another player from the other team were both going after the ball, She hurt her head and well, I feel like I broke my leg,” you explained

“Silly girl, Don’t lie about these things, You can tell me anything, Now come on let’s go get some ice and cuddle,”


Stray Kids Reaction |Their crush having a boyfriend| |REQUESTED|

Chan: He’s had a thing for you since you joined JYP and it felt like it was best to call you. So when you didn’t pick up he would walk to your dorm but his heart was broken. You hugging your boyfriend and giving him a kiss. He would hang up and walk off with slight her he wouldn’t shed tears knowing he lost the shot when he had a chance.


Woojin: You guys were best friends and there is a time where you can end up falling for your best friend. Which he did but little did he know the day he was gonna confess was the day you brought your boyfriend to meet him. He would laugh it off and give you an excuse as to why you were there. Sure he hurt but he would get over it maybe.


Minho: He wouldn’t be afraid to flirt and let off a couple signs which you never caught up to. Both of you would be hanging out until you told him your boyfriend texted. Which would make him slightly upset and say things but it was how he felt. 

“Really Y/n?, I send you signs, I flirt, Yet you have a boyfriend, I feel like I should have given up on you but the reason I didn’t was because I was so damn in love with you, That’s why and I hope someday you come back to accept me, If I’m not over you,” 


Changbin: Being the person he is he wouldn’t really say anything to you about it. He liked you but his confession was useless since you already had someone. So when you would speak to him about your boyfriend he would straightforward.

“You’re my friend and that’s all we will be so I might as well let go of my chance with you Since you want him so much…You go be with him, I…I just don’t wanna hear about him,”


Hyunjin: He’s always had a thing for you so when he knew you had someone else he would be upset. Throwing the flowers in the trash he would continue to look at you sitting down laughing with your boyfriend. Walking away because he knew it was useless.

Jisung: Han would be upset but he would play it off cooly when you walked in the studio. Trying his best not to say something he would regret later. Yet he just couldn’t hold it in when you spoke.

“Are you okay Han?” you asked

“Is that idiot boyfriend okay?, Look next time you guys kiss please move away from our dorm door,” 

Felix: He wouldn’t even confess because there was no point he acting surprise anymore. Honestly, he wouldn’t even talk to you as much which hurt you but you felt like you should have understood him. So you thought maybe your best friend would come back someday.

Seungmin: He would be hurt to know you had a boyfriend already. Seungmin would probably cry and speak to Chan about everything. So when you wanted to speak to him about him liking you. He would let a slight chuckle.

“I did at a point of time but you have a boyfriend and I know you’re happy, So go speak to him, Forget my crush on you, There is always other people am I right?”

Jeongin: He would be silent as he had just confessed in front of you which he had no clue your boyfriend would be there with you. So before it got worse he would toss the flowers. Walking away with sadness as you kept calling his name. 

Stray Kids Reaction |Their s/o comes home late| |REQUESTED|

Author Note: The person who requested wanted girlfriend which said S/O, So I’ll be using you for anyone who’s reading. Also sorry for not updating sooner.


Chan: He would be more than worried about you since he heard the news a storm was rolling in and the highways would be closed. After calling he would pace back and forth worried as if something had happened. Yet when you walked through the doors he would rush over to you.

“Why didn’t you pick up? I thought something happened to you,” he pouted

“I’m sorry baby, I was out shopping for my friends birthday and I cut my phone off for the day,” you explained

“That’s okay but next time tell me where you’re going,”


Woojin: He would be calling and waiting for you to come back home as he waited and waited he would try to watch tv and relax. Just so happened on the highway there was a wreck and he assumed it was you. With tears almost flowing out his eyes he felt his world fall. You opened the door and put the food down and he ran into your arms.

“You’re okay,” he said

“Yeah silly, Why wouldn’t I be?” you asked looking at the tv

“I thought something happened, Please pick up the phone you had me scared,”


Minho: He would be worried sick to where the point he would wanna throw up. Since you weren’t back he would be worried you left in a storm just to go visit your friend. He thought you had got hit or something happened to you. As you walked in you noticed Minho who was slightly worried but full of happiness.

“Y/n, Thank the heavens you’re okay, I thought something happened to you, I was so scared,” he smiled

“I’m okay Minho, I got halfway down the road and it got worse so I came back home, I could hardly see the road,” you explained 

“Good, Next time you think about leaving in the middle of a storm I will for sure come along,”


Changbin: It was late at night and you were supposed to be meeting him in front of JYP. Which your phone has been dead all day but he didn’t know that. Instead of keeping calm he would think of bad reasons why you weren’t there. That’s when you happened to be there.

“Y/n start packing your damn phone,” he said

“I do but it’s been dead all day, I left my charger by Woojin’s bed,” you said confused

“Well come on women you scared the shit of out me not coming, Seriously though, Please keep your phone charged,” 


Hyunjin: 5 hours ago you told him you were going somewhere and still weren’t back. In his mind, he would be flipping out and sweating so much the guys could see it. After hours of waiting you had opened the door and he eyed you slightly upset. Hyunjin would walk to the room and you followed behind him as he sat on his bed.

“Don’t worry I can tell you got scared,” you said wiping his sweat

“I thought something bad happened, Just promise next time that you’ll pick up the phone,”


Jisung: He would call and call but if you didn’t pick up he would feel his heart beat fast as he tried to figure out why you weren’t there. Panicking he would wait and wait. Suddenly you walked in and he would hug you.

“Stop scaring me,” he said

“What do you mean?” you asked 

“Y/n you didn’t pick up, I feared something happened and I was so nervous I just couldn’t calm myself down, I just worry about you okay?”


Felix: He would stand outside waiting to see you walk up to the door after waiting you finally showed up. Yet it rained and soon stormed and he didn’t hear from you. Soon enough when he spotted you he would be happy but you were already wet.

“What happened?, You didn’t pick up the phone,” he eyed you

“Sorry babe, My car stopped working, I waited on the side of the road, I went to call you but it died, So soon enough some guy helped me and here I am, Did I worry you?” you hugged him

“Yes and a lot, Just please make sure to stay safe and always keep your phone charged, I’m just happy to have you in my arms now,” 


Seungmin: He would be calm at first but when it got late and no one has heard from you all day he would worry. No call or even text which made him nervous and he would look at Chan with worry. After that, you walked into the dorm with boxes of Pizza.

“Sorry boys, Had to make some pizza’s at work, I’m sorry to be late, Anyways brought you some,” you smiled 

“You had Seungmin scared he thought something happened,” Chan said

“I did but now that I know you worked late it made me feel better, Also you didn’t have to do that, Chan would have cooked us some dinner,” 


Jeongin: He would just lay in his bed at the dorm and he knew it was going to get cold. There was a warning for a snowstorm and he was worried since you last said you would be over. Which was in the afternoon and hours later you ain’t showed up. You finally made it and smiled but you saw a sad Jeongin. 

“I thought something happened,” he said

“I’m okay baby, I was talking to my mother and my cousin needed my help, I had no clue, I’m here now,” you smiled making him smile

“Thank god I was worried but I know you’re okay now,”


Stray Kids Reaction |Their girl best friend, Gets cheated on|

Chan: He would be angry with the guy for hurting you like that and even cheating on you. Both of you guys have been friends since he was a trainee. It pissed you off though how your boyfriend acted like he did nothing wrong. Chan would grab him collar looking at him deeply in the eyes.

“If you hurt her, Fuck with her heart, I always said I would hurt you, But a cheater like you isn’t worth a fight, Stay away from her and if you don’t…You’ll face way worse with my members by my side,”


Woojin: He would be pissed off at the thought of everything. Yet he would think about you since you were his best friend. As you cried on his shoulder he would speak to you. 

“Don’t cry over him Y/n, A guy in the world will treat you right, When he comes, Never let him go okay?”


Minho: As your friend, he would comfort you and try to make you laugh. Trying everything he could to see you smile. So he would talk shit about the guy and you would laugh.

“That’s what I missed, You didn’t need to be with a piece of shit anyways, You are so damn beautiful, That guy looks like the fucking frog, You deserve better,”


Changbin: He would be upset to see you sad but instead of whooping his ass he would spend it comforting you. All though he would find a way to get back at him. Changbin would do what he could to make you happy.

“Y/n, Don’t cry, I say we go to his house pull a prank, Wanna poke holes in his tires?, Egg is a car, TP his house?” 


Hyunjin: He would be pissed but he couldn’t leave you to hurt the guy. He would allow you to cry and even make you some food or something to drink as he woke up from his nap. Sure everyone in the dorm was sleeping but he didn’t care about his rest all he cared about was you.

“Go to sleep in my bed, Right now I have something to take care of,” 


Jisung: He wouldn’t even care about the guy because he knew it wasn’t worth fighting. All he wanted was to see you happy again and he would talk to you for hours. Making sure you knew that he was the dumbass for letting go of such a person.

“Y/n you are worth more, There is nothing wrong with you, From now on always remember, You are beautiful and whoever he has now isn’t worth getting mad over, I bet the bitch looks bad,” 


Felix: At first he would be angry but soon he would do everything to make you forget about him. So you guys egged his car and house and to admit it made you feel so much better. 

“See, Doing something as revenge doesn’t hurt you, Sometimes asses like that deserve it,” 


Seungmin: We all know him as the savage so he would be straightforward with the girl. He dragged you to the same place they sat to eat and he was no afraid to be straightforward. 

“This girl is ugly, Her fashion is off, Her makeup looks like kids facepaint, See, Y/n is so much better this bitch has nothing on her, Y/n is gonna get a guy better and I hope you and Fiona are happy,” 

Jeongin: He would not really care about the guy but more about you. Sure he had a thing for you. So when sitting down in front of the food without touching it he would confess.

“He was nothing Y/n, If this makes you feel better, I’ve always had a thing for you and I think you’re beautiful,”

Stray Kids Reaction |Seeing you again ever since the argument| |PART 2|

Here is Part two connected to the first heated argument reaction, Get ready and also be sure to pack food, Tissue JK!


Chan: Right after you left Chan was a broken mess breaking things, crying, begging. He just was lost without you the woman he married gone and no telling where. He wiped his tears away grabbing his phone and calling his only family in Korea. His group the ones who will do what they have to for him.

They sat on the couch as Chan was sad.

“Hyung, She loves you,” Jeongin said 

“Yeah Chan, She doesn’t care about anything but you, I know she’ll be back just waiting,” Changbin said 

“Okay Hyung sorry for my mouth but, That’s bullshit,” Hyunjin stood up

They just looked at him.

“Any man who loves his girl goes after her, You can sit around crying or you can get up and get the woman you married, Y/n is fucking beautiful hyung and if I can see you as a leader, I see her as the one who holds you together, So you can sit here and whine about how you miss her and how you fucked up, Or you can go out there right now and heal her heart, Like a real man would,” Hyunjin explained 

“No point,” he said

“Hyunjin’s right, You’re always on everyone about how they work and deserve the things they get, You worked your ass off to be a man for her and you even worked your ass off just to marry her, With no stress you made sure she had everything, Now you wanna give up over some dumbass party she missed, Your family can facetime her, If you don’t get your ass up and moving we’ll do it for you,” Minho said 

Chan just sits on the couch in sadness soon enough Hyunjin walked over.

“Hyung, If you don’t go chase her beautiful ass I will let any guy take her, Your my hyung and I know that when I liked her, I have seen the look she would give you from time to time, The look of love, But now you seem to be giving me the look of sadness, Now man up and go after Y/n or I will make sure your ass is grass,” Hyunjin stated

Chan stood up rushing out the door and his members all cheered Hyunjin for pushing his hyung to do so. You walked the park breathing in and out and missing Chan.

“Y-Y/n,” Chan said trying to breathe

You turned around and smiled as you seen Chan.

“Chan I-” 

He pulled you in a hug.

“Please forgive me I’m sorry,” he said 

“I know,” you smiled

He pulled back putting the ring on your finger as he explained everything you forgave him.

“What pushed you?” you asked

“Hyunjin threating to whoop my ass if I don’t go after you,”


Woojin: You sat at the cafe as the nerves you had filled your body. The warm scent of coffee in the air. Woojin is meeting up with you to ‘Fix’ things that he messed up. Sure he is your husband but you get nervous because you don’t wanna mess this up.

The bell hanging rung as you looked over to see Woojin walking in the cafe. Ordering coffee that he took to the table.

“Woojin…How have you been?” you asked

“Well it’s been 3 months Y/n, I say good, Finishing work, Getting around here and there, How about you?” he asked

“Good, I’m hosting the costume party at work, You can come if you want,” you said 

“That’s good, Anyways I believe I came here to patch things up,” he said

“Start where you please,” you smiled 

“Well, I’m sorry for being an asshole, I shouldn’t have got mad or even yelled at you, I know that it wasn’t something a husband should do, But I assume after these months you found another man,” he said

“No, I’m married, Why would I?” you asked 

He would break into a smile.

“Look Woojin, If you wanna make it up to me, Meet me at the costume party tonight,” you said standing up

Giving him a quick kiss before walking out.

“I think I got my wife back,”


Minho: You walked the streets minding your business umbrella in one and your phone in the other. You smiled softly as you had unlocked the door to your house. Walking in you noticed a man walking to his truck. You rushed over.

“Sir,” you said

“Y/n, I told you the power would get cut off if you didn’t pay the bills, We’ve kept it on for you and gave you an extra week you still didn’t do it,” he said 

He got in the truck not letting you finish you had one person to call and it was Minho. As the phone ringed he picked up.

Y/n: Minho, Sorry to bother you, I know since our fight things have been bad, But it’s cold outside, My power got caught off for not paying it, Look you can divorce me do what you want, Just bring some candles over, please

Minho: You fool

He sighed and hung up you walked into the house and closed the door as you sighed. After a couple hours, you heard a knock opening the door you hugged Minho tightly. Thanking the gods he was there and not off just anywhere.

“Thank you so much for being here Minho, It’s getting dark and I’m cold,” you said

(Time Skip)

You both laid on the bed talking about everything.

“So how has your weekend been?” you asked

“Tiring, Anyways,” he said 

Pulling you into his chest as you felt the warmth.

“M-Minho, Can we talk about our marriage?” you asked 

“We can tomorrow, Tonight, I wanna cuddle and love you like I should have before,”


Changbin: Months, Months without Changbin and to admit it hurt you to not have him anymore. Sure you missed him but you felt like you were holding onto something that wasn’t worth it. 

It’s finally the holidays but you didn’t have one strand of light up without Changbin. Not really in the mood to feel the high spirits. Walking the Christmas streets with couples and gifts you sat on the sidewalk. A pair of shoes were in front of you looking up to see Changbin.

Holding two cups of warm hot chocolate.

“Here have this hot chocolate, I brought you some gloves too,” he said 

“How did you know?” you asked 

“We were together for 2 years Y/n, Every December you would go out and forget gloves,” he smiled

Taking a seat beside you he looked over with a smile.

“Wanna go see the lights?” he asked

“I don’t see why not,” you said

Both of you walked around enjoying the lights and even went to the park to see the pretty dancing lights. Joking and talking about old memories made you see why you loved him. Which also made him see why he loved you.

“Before I leave since I have work tomorrow,” he said

Leaning and giving you a kiss.

“I’m sorry I ever hurt you but you are my girlfriend, stop telling guys you are single, You aren’t, From now on tell them Seo Changbin has taken you, See you tomorrow babygirl,”


Hyunjin: You woke up as your vision came into focus you raised up from the bed. Jisung on his phone with a bag of food beside him.

“Jisung,” you smiled 

“The surgery was a success, But you can’t be walking for a couple days, Also it will leave a scar on your legs,” he explained

He pushed the blanket off.

“Come on you have someone to see in the waiting room,” he said

He helped you into the wheelchair and put your blanket over you. Walking out into the waiting room was Hyunjin. He raised his head up.

“I’m gonna go check you out, You talk to him,” he said as he moved you in front of Hyunjin

Hyunjin had red eyes as you noticed it was from crying you grabbed his hands as they were soft.

“Hyunjin,” you said

“You’re gonna leave me but before you tell me the news I’m gonna start by explaining this, What I did was wrong but you should have told me, I was jealous you spent time with Jisung, Sure it was wrong but I just felt like you lied to me so many times to be with him, I asked her to dance with me, Truth be told I’m going to a dance competition overseas, I wanted her to help me but I wanted my girl to be my partner,” he said

You giggled as you leaned in to hug him.

“Silly I was never gonna leave you and Jisung is nothing but a friend to me, I asked him not to tell you when he wanted me to, So don’t worry, I understand, I’ve been jealous at times when you would hang out with female idols, So it’s a whatever, But I guess me being in this wheelchair for a couple days is gonna mess up everything,” you said

“No, it won’t, How about me, you, and Jisung go eat some food, Later on, we can cuddle and watch movies,” he smiled

“Agreed,” you smiled 

The nurse walked over getting you so you could change.

“Don’t hurt her okay?” Jisung said

Hyunjin sighed as he looked at you with a smile and back at Jisung.

“I wouldn’t hurt her anymore, She is the girl I love, Plus hurting her is me hurting myself, I can’t picture my present nor future without her,”


Jisung: You sat on the couch with tears falling as you kept wiping tear after tear. You missed Jisung but he hurt you and it was hard to not wanna get up and see him. Sure it’s only been a couple hours but that boy was the love of your life. The rain rushed down outside as you turned the tv up to listen to the news.

You got startled as the knock at the door had come out of nowhere. Putting the fruit on the table you turned the tv down and walked to open the door. Swinging it open stood a wet, sad looking Jisung. No second thinking he pulled you into a deep kiss.

Once he pulled away you looked at him in shock.

“It’s storming Jisung, Are you crazy?” you asked 

“They say love makes you do crazy things, I think the storm is not the worries I have,” he said 

“Come in,” you said

“No, I’m here to tell you I fucking love you and I’m sorry for being an asshole, I’m worried about losing you, I was an idiot for being like that, Whenever you want me to tell you how much I love you I will,” he said 

You gave him a tight hug.

“You have been forgiven but pull that shit again and I won’t be afraid to smack you, boy,” you said

“Chan told me the same thing, Trust me I would never hurt you again because you mean the world to me, I love you with all my heart and I would never hurt the one who loves me again,” 


Felix: The sun was bright and today you and your friends were going to the beach for a swim. You have been missing Felix and all you wanted was to know if he was doing good. Sure it’s been a whole year without him and you feel like you can get over him. Yet you couldn’t leave it in peace without knowing how he was doing.

You sat on the beach towel as you opened the cold beer in your hand. Holland and the girls and other guys were swimming. You weren’t old enough to drink but nowadays it’s a fuck it or take it. A volleyball landed beside you and you stood up walking back to the group of people.

Chan and His wife

Woojin and His wife

Minho and his wife

Changbin and his girlfriend

Hyunjin and his girlfriend

Jisung and his girlfriend

Seungmin and his girl best friend 

Jeongin and his girl best friend

and Felix with his girlfriend.

You assumed it was his girlfriend and you felt a little hurt but accepted the thought. Walking over you hit the ball over the net making it land in Chan’s arms.

“Y/n, Long time no see,” he said

“Guys,” you smiled

“How have you been?” Hyunjin asked

“Good, I’m living with my friends,” you smiled

“Y/n,” Felix said

You smiled softly

“Rina this is my friend Y/n, Y/n this is my girlfriend Rina,” he smiled

You felt your heart snap as you put on a fake smile eyeing the use to be necklace. 

“Wanna play a game?” Rina asked

“No I’m fine, see you later Felix,”  you said

“See ya,” he smiled

You walked over and sat down drinking your beer after that you felt tears spilled. You were never over Felix like you thought and although it’s gonna take time to accept it. You knew you would get there.


Seungmin: You watched as the clocked tick back and forth sitting on the floor of the practice room. Momo was teaching you some dance moves for your cousin’s upcoming wedding and she wanted you to dance. As you panted Momo walked into the room. Sitting beside you it was a little cake.

“I know about you and Seungmin and I thought this cake would help you, Happy Late birthday beautiful, So sorry I didn’t wish you one yesterday,” she smiled 

You hugged her.

“Thank you Momo, I love it,” you said 

“Oh Y/n, Come to the meeting room and wear a cute outfit,” she smiled

She walked out and you were confused but went ahead and ate the cake. You dusted off your outfit as you walked in the room. Walking in everyone was chatting and it was fixed up for a party. 

“You arrived, Happy late birthday Y/n,” Seungmin smiled

“What is this?” you asked

“I was wrong for being like that to you so I went ahead and made you a birthday party, Come open the gifts,” he smiled

He pulled you to the table as you opened the gifts with a smile. It felt nice to be able to spend your birthday with everyone.

“Come on let’s go to the practice room, Dance time,” Bambam said 

“Yeah, Let’s go,” Jae smiled

Everyone went to the practice room and started dancing and it was fun for you. As you walked outside to get some air Seungmin came out and stood beside you. Grabbing your hand.

“Thank you,” you smiled

“Anything for you, By the way, I’m sorry,” he said 

“It’s okay,” you said

“I love you Y/n, More thank you’ll know,”


Jeongin: The rain poured as you sighed walking down the street. You just moved out of the dorm and to be honest it hurt to know Jeongin felt that way. You sat on the bench. Remembering the words Woojin told you.

“You have to stand up for what you believe, So if talking to him about it helps, go for it,” 

You stood up and threw your backpack over your shoulder and walked back to JYP. As you stomped in the practice room you looked at Jeongin who pulled you out the practice room.

“What are you doing back?” he asked

“Shut up and listen to me, I’ve done all I could to love you and help you with everything, I took the money out my account to get you everything I could, Yet you make me move out of the dorm, Jeongin you are a fool, I never wanted to say anything to hurt you but in the end you don’t do anything for me,” you said 

He stayed silent.

“I’ll always love you but its best if we split ways,” you said with tears

“I think so too,” he said 

Bumping your shoulder he walked out the door you felt tears fall this isn’t the life you wanted. This isn’t how it was supposed to end but it did and it hurt you worse.

Here is the part 2 everyone wanted!