Stray Kids Reaction |Being in a bad mood and telling their s/o something hurtful| |REQUEST|

Chan: He was stressed and never really talked to anyone when he was. So you had walked into the room to see him still writing. You saw it was 2 in the morning now. You lightly tapped his shoulder.

“Chan you should get some rest, This work is gonna be here,” you said

“You should honestly shut up, You’ve been bothering me all day, Can’t you see I don’t wanna be with you right now, God Y/n you are so annoying,” he said 

You had nodded your head walking out the bedroom and to the guest bedroom where you locked the door and laid in the bed. Chan sighed as he went to open the door but it was locked. So he sat down back against the door. Hearing you cry.

“Y/n, I’m sorry, Please stop crying I didn’t mean it, I stopped working if you open the door I’ll go to sleep with you,”


Woojin: You knew important work was for Woojin since he had so much he needed to do. Which you just wanted to help him out because you were worried he would overwork himself. 

“Woojin, I think you stop now, You are sweating, You are hot, You are tired, I just wanna know you’ll be okay,” you said wiping the sweat on his face

“Would you stop? You’ve been in my ear all day long about how I need to stop, If I didn’t work who would take care of you?, I’m the only man who is gonna be able to help you,” he scoffed

You never depended on a man and it hurt to make people think you did. Sure he did buy you nice things but you just wanted to help from taking so much money from him. He sighed and wiped your tears away.

“I know you wanna help me, I’m sorry for saying that, I promise we can go now, And cuddle all you want,”


Minho: He’s been working all day and you just wanted him to take a break. This time you’ve had enough and walked over cutting the music off. He would be upset and walk over.

“What are you doing?” he asked 

“Giving you a break before you overwork yourself,” you said

“Dealing with you is like overworking myself, Now if you would like to shut up and leave that would be nice,” he said cutting the music on 

You walked out and silently cried by the door as the song kept going. Minho would walk out and look over to see you.

“I-I’m sorry, I was so stressed out, I was an asshole and I know you just want me to be healthy,”


Changbin: It was a night in the studio for Stray Kids but tomorrow it was going to be you and Changbin’s 4 year anniversary. So when you kept bothering him the guys would slowly watch.

“Tomorrow is a huge day for us Changbin, I planned a whole day for us and we promised to do something,” you whined

“Look Y/n, My work is more important than our stupid Anniversary, Our anniversary wasn’t going to help me and my members out, take your stupid plans somewhere else,” he said 

You nodded your head and ripped up the list walking out. You thought he would react maybe a simple wait or even a stop. Yet no he didn’t and that’s when you walked to your sister apartment. Assuming maybe he wasn’t ready for a relationship.


Hyunjin: You were worried about Hyunjin and really knew he would take his dancing very seriously. This is the 8th time he’s danced to My Pace. You were so sick of watching him overwork himself. So you did what you could.

“Hyunjin,” you said softly

“Huh?” he said drinking his water

“I think you should come home with me and relax, I-I’m worried about you,” you said

“Worried?, The only thing you should be worried about is yourself, You aren’t far from anything honey, Now if you would leave and do me that huge favor I’ll thank you for the rest of my life,” he said starting the song again

After his practice, he walked out and saw you waiting.

“You waited?, I thought you would leave me here for being an asshole, It’s 1 in the morning babe, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t keep you here any longer, I’m such a fool,”


Jisung: You had sat in the small apartment waiting for Jisung to come home. Which when he did you could tell he was in a bad mood. After his shower, he sat on the couch.

“Jisung,” you said

“Leave me alone, I don’t wanna be bothered with you right now, Honestly ever,” he said 

You nodded your head and stayed silent the whole time until you felt tired. He felt bad. 

“I’m sorry baby, I shouldn’t have been such an ass, Forgive me?”


Felix: You had been outside of JYP with Felix he hasn’t been so happy today. Which work was stressing him out and he was angry about a lot of things. You just wanted to try and calm him.

“Felix, You really should try and take a break, I mean if work is stressing you so much, Don’t do it,” you said

“I have no choice, Yet you would never understand since all you do is sleep all day, Being with you is a burden to me, Maybe if you got up and did things, I would love you,” he scoffed

You felt your heart break as he said those words to you. Which you sat in silence with the wind blowing in your hair. He soon pulled you to his chest.

“I’m so sorry, I-I’m such an asshole to you, Please just forget what I said, I didn’t mean it,”


Seungmin: The sound of the clock ticking was all that could be heard. Seungmin was in a bad mood which was one you’ve never seen before. He kept talking with anger.

“Babe…I think you should calm down,” you said

“Oh shut up Y/n, You have nothing to worry about, You’ll never know what it likes to be working and stressed from something,” he spat

As you stood in place Seungmin noticed what he said. As you kept still.

“I really didn’t mean it,”

Jeongin: Most times when he was like this you would give him his space. Yet this time you were unaware of how angry he was. That was until he took it out on you.

“Would you leave me alone?, I hate you when you bother me,” he spat

You had sat on the bed silent until he hugged you.

“I’m so sorry for that, I really didn’t mean it, You are my everything and without you, I would be lost,” he said

“I forgive you Jeongin,” you smiled

“I think maybe it’s best if we just cuddle and take a nap,”

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