Stray Kids Reaction |Their s/o hurting their leg and wanting to cry but hides it| |REQUEST|

Chan: He would wonder why you were sitting down with your eyes about to water. Though he didn’t think much of it. So when he walked into the dorm to find you limping he would carry you to couch. Before he let you say anything he lifted up your pant leg. To see a big bruise on it.

“I’m fine Chan,” you said

“No you aren’t, I know you’re hurting, When these things happen you shouldn’t keep it from me, I worry about you and I don’t want you to hurt,”


Woojin: You promised Woojin you would meet up with him today but you were in a rush. Which made you trip and cut your leg pretty badly since you hit it on the rock. Of course, you would hold in your tears and wince in pain. Yet Woojn would end up showing up and asking what’s wrong.

“Y/n are you okay?” he asked

“Yeah totally fine,” you faked a smile 

Soon enough you couldn’t hold it in and cried so he would check your leg.

“Y/n you got hurt, Seriously baby you were gonna lie?, I want you to know meeting me could have waited, Let’s go to the dorm, Chan is cooking and please, When you get hurt don’t lie and tell me,” he smiled


Minho: As a member of your dance crew you needed to practice somethings. Yet you fell again, again, and again. Sighing you stood up to complete the next move but you failed. Once you took a break you winced in pain. Minho and his members walked in.

“Y/n, Why are you holding your leg?” he asked

“No reason just a habit of mine,” you lied

He nodded but soon enough during his practice you couldn’t help it but limp to the door.

“Seriously,” he said looking at your leg

You sighed.

“There isn’t a reason to lie to me, Look at it, You need to know Babe, I know you and your dance crew are doing a lot for your performance but stop please, I’ll take you to the dorm and put some ice on it, Get some rest and stop acting like you’re okay when you are hurting,”


Changbin: Today you were playing with Seungmin and Jeongin and happened to get hurt. Seungmin said sorry so many times but you told him it was okay. You wiped your eyes before anything could come out of them. Changbin was in confusion when he saw you sitting down. Yet when he watched you cry he knew something was wrong.

“Is everything okay baby?” he asked

“Yeah just hurting a little, It’s that time of the month,” you said 

“Time of the month, or is it that huge bruise on your leg that Seungmin kicked you in?” he asked

You nodded your head.

“Do you lie to me when you’re hurting most times?”


Hyunjin: He wouldn’t have a clue until he silently watched you cry. So he knew something was wrong but he had no clue. As he walked over he would look at your leg to see it red.

“How did this happen?” he asked wiping your tears

“When I was cooking for you I got burned when I spilled the water on me that was boiling,” you explained

“So you lied?, Babe you brought me food 2 hours ago and you tell me now, I get it you’re hurting and such but you shouldn’t lie to me about anything, Just wait for this to be over and we are going home, No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it, You’re hurting and I care more about you than this practice,”


Jisung: You came to see him in the studio which you hurt yourself at home by falling down the stairs. The whole night you were silent and Jisung had looked over from the computer to see you looking down.

“Hey what’s wrong?” he asked

“Nothing,” you lied

“If you crying is nothing, I’m worried,” he said

You showed him the bruised leg that was giving you pain.

“How did this happen?” he asked

“I fell downstairs,” you admitted

“You should have told me about it, Something like this might be small but if it hurts I gotta know,”


Felix: You promised to be his dance partner for some competition. Yet when he was supposed to spin you, you happen to fall. But you played it off although it hurt like a hell. So when he walked out you cried and rubbed your leg but he ended up walking in.

“Your leg, Did I hurt it when I spun you?” he asked

“Yeah but it’s okay,” you said

“No it’s not and I’m sorry, Just stop acting like it doesn’t hurt, Get on my back, We can go out and eat and soon enough go to sleep, I’m sorry about that babe,”


Seungmin: You guys had been playing for hours in the dorms and to admit it was fun. You guys kept playing and soon enough he got on his bed and you hit your leg on it. You soon wiped your tears and Seungmin would hop off the bed.

“Babe how bad is it?” he asked 

“I’m fine,” you smiled

“Liar, Stop telling lies, You really are hurting, Now sit on the bed, Enough playing,”


Jeongin: You had finished a soccer game which Jeongin was not there to see sadly. You and another player from the other team hit each other and it hurt your leg. So when you met him in the dorms you had to play it cool.

“You look like you were about to cry, Are you okay?” he asked 

“More than ever babe,” you giggled

“I’m serious,” he said looking dead at you

“Fine, I and another player from the other team were both going after the ball, She hurt her head and well, I feel like I broke my leg,” you explained

“Silly girl, Don’t lie about these things, You can tell me anything, Now come on let’s go get some ice and cuddle,”


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