Stray Kids Reaction |Their girl best friend, Gets cheated on|

Chan: He would be angry with the guy for hurting you like that and even cheating on you. Both of you guys have been friends since he was a trainee. It pissed you off though how your boyfriend acted like he did nothing wrong. Chan would grab him collar looking at him deeply in the eyes.

“If you hurt her, Fuck with her heart, I always said I would hurt you, But a cheater like you isn’t worth a fight, Stay away from her and if you don’t…You’ll face way worse with my members by my side,”


Woojin: He would be pissed off at the thought of everything. Yet he would think about you since you were his best friend. As you cried on his shoulder he would speak to you. 

“Don’t cry over him Y/n, A guy in the world will treat you right, When he comes, Never let him go okay?”


Minho: As your friend, he would comfort you and try to make you laugh. Trying everything he could to see you smile. So he would talk shit about the guy and you would laugh.

“That’s what I missed, You didn’t need to be with a piece of shit anyways, You are so damn beautiful, That guy looks like the fucking frog, You deserve better,”


Changbin: He would be upset to see you sad but instead of whooping his ass he would spend it comforting you. All though he would find a way to get back at him. Changbin would do what he could to make you happy.

“Y/n, Don’t cry, I say we go to his house pull a prank, Wanna poke holes in his tires?, Egg is a car, TP his house?” 


Hyunjin: He would be pissed but he couldn’t leave you to hurt the guy. He would allow you to cry and even make you some food or something to drink as he woke up from his nap. Sure everyone in the dorm was sleeping but he didn’t care about his rest all he cared about was you.

“Go to sleep in my bed, Right now I have something to take care of,” 


Jisung: He wouldn’t even care about the guy because he knew it wasn’t worth fighting. All he wanted was to see you happy again and he would talk to you for hours. Making sure you knew that he was the dumbass for letting go of such a person.

“Y/n you are worth more, There is nothing wrong with you, From now on always remember, You are beautiful and whoever he has now isn’t worth getting mad over, I bet the bitch looks bad,” 


Felix: At first he would be angry but soon he would do everything to make you forget about him. So you guys egged his car and house and to admit it made you feel so much better. 

“See, Doing something as revenge doesn’t hurt you, Sometimes asses like that deserve it,” 


Seungmin: We all know him as the savage so he would be straightforward with the girl. He dragged you to the same place they sat to eat and he was no afraid to be straightforward. 

“This girl is ugly, Her fashion is off, Her makeup looks like kids facepaint, See, Y/n is so much better this bitch has nothing on her, Y/n is gonna get a guy better and I hope you and Fiona are happy,” 

Jeongin: He would not really care about the guy but more about you. Sure he had a thing for you. So when sitting down in front of the food without touching it he would confess.

“He was nothing Y/n, If this makes you feel better, I’ve always had a thing for you and I think you’re beautiful,”

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