My friend and her ‘Felix and Jisung glitch’ Theory

My friend said that Felix and Jisung are the glitches. She also said that in district 9 when the bus goes through the glass. It’s them breaking out the system and finding who they are. She also said that Jisung and Felix are the glitches that are stuck in the system. Proving that they might be in a world to find out who they are but they might not being stuck as glitches. Thinking back on it as a glitch it tends to move from one place to another. So she said Felix and Jisung are stuck in the system meaning they’ll be the ones who still can’t figure out who they are when everyone else does. Paying attention to the music video, in the end, the screen glitches when ‘District 9′ shows up. Felix is the last one out behind them. In my pace they aren’t wearing black but white, In District 9 those in the system wore white and had to be like each other. She asked me something though.

If Felix and Jisung ‘Escaped the system’ as glitches. How do we know they aren’t really stuck in the system still and their glitch is what’s with the boys?, What if the glitches are just us seeing them but not the real Felix or Jisung?

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