Stray Kids Reaction |Stopping a fight that their girlfriend is in|

Chan: He would love the fact that she had managed to get the older girl away from him. Yet when she passed him her bag he knew what was about to happen.

“No, Don’t you dare even fight her-”

You took a swing and soon you and the girl were fighting each other he would rush over. 

“Woojin help me,” he said 

Woojin would try to pull the other girl off of you but it wasn’t gonna work. Once Chan finally got you to stop he would make you sit down in the mall.

“Please stop fighting,” Chan said

“That whor-”

“Don’t even say anything about it, At the end of the day I’m coming home to you, You’re gonna be with me, So what’s the point of fighting someone over me, You already have me, You aren’t gonna lose me to her or anyone,”


Woojin: Both of you would be talking backstage before the performance. The fight started over a girl feeling all over Woojin. At first, he was happy you got her to stop. Yet when you started fighting he wasn’t happy. 

“Y-Y/n you can stop,” he said

Yet you weren’t listening as you kept fighting soon enough he pulled you away. He would throw you over his shoulder as you were cursing the girl out the door. He would sit you down.

“She was feeling on you,” you stated

“So?, I’m your boyfriend, I’m happy you got her to stop but you don’t fight people, I get it, baby, you are trying to protect me, Yet you went a little far fighting her, Besides, If I didn’t stop it you would have pretty much killed the woman,” 


Minho: Both of you were enjoying your time at the mall just shopping. That’s when a woman was trying to get close to Minho why you were looking for shoes. You walked over.

“I think you need to leave my man alone,” you said

She back talked to you which made you laugh. Soon enough you both were fighting. Minho would leave the shopping bags by the store’s entrance before trying to pull you away. You were on top of her hitting her. Minho finally pulled you off the top of her taking you to the store.

“That bitch better not come back,” you said fixing your hair

“I don’t think she’s coming back anytime soon you knocked her out,” he said pointing to her 

“She deserves it,” you said 

“Okay, Well today went a little down, Now buy you some shoes so we can go home, I think we need to talk about this, Also if you fight someone again, I will not be afraid to take away our dates for a couple weeks,”


Changbin: This boy was proud to own you but he wasn’t proud of you having short temper. All the girl said was to stay out of her way and that’s when you fought her. Changbin was pissed after trying to control your anger.

“Stop,” he said pulling you 

You held on to her hair.


He grabbed your hand finally making you let go of the girl’s hand.

“YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF ME,” you yelled trying to run her way

“WE’RE LEAVING,” Changbin yelled

Once you both were out of the amusement park he would be angry once you were calm.

“Changbin I’m sorry,” you said

“Sorry?, Y/n if you keep going out here fighting people I’ll have to pay for the hospital bill, Hell if you fight a guy I’m gonna have to kick his ass, Are you trying to cause issues, I can’t pay bills of other people,”


Hyunjin: All of it started over the girl talking shit to you about how you weren’t anything to Hyunjin. Which when he came out of the bathroom of the cafe he already knew.

“Y/n, When is there a time this girl isn’t fighting someone,” 

He would rush over pulling you away from the girl right when he thought it was over. You grabbed her hair throwing coffee on her which the fight continued. He was angry. All he asked was for a date without you fighting someone over him. 

“ENOUGH,” he yelled

He grabbed you and dragged you out the cafe once you guys were gone he was happy.

“I know you’ll get on to me for fighting her, You asked me for one thing but she was talking about me Hyunjin, I just couldn’t listen to her make me sound below her,” you said 

“I was angry but you know what I’m proud, You stood up for yourself and even had no shame, I’m not mad but warning, Next time you fight, You won’t be going anywhere with me,”


Jisung: He would be lost and at first worried about you. So he would take matters into his own hands. Pulling the girl away from you because he knows how scary you can get over him.

“Run and please don’t look back,” he said

You went running after her when he grabbed you and held you by the waist as you tried to kick. 


“Calm down babe,” he said

Once you were calm he would tell everyone sorry and walked you away from the store. Once you guys were alone he would ask you a lot.

“Why did you fight her?” he asked

“She was talking about you and how she would kiss you and such, I couldn’t let her talk to you, I saw that bitch getting ready to make her move, I was willing to hurt her,” you explained

“Babe you have me trust me there is no reason to fight someone over me,” 


Felix: He wouldn’t be surprised I mean she was getting a little close and touchy. Plus slightly showing some skin. You were calm to her but she set you off so it went from that to a huge ass fight. The guys were surprised by your strength.

“YOU ARENT GOING ANYWHERE,” you yelled dragging her back to you

“Felix get your girl, She might kill that worker,” Jisung said 

Felix would hurry over pulling you off her easily which the girl would apologize and leave. Once you got down he would hold you tightly to him.

“Felix let go of me this is stupid,” you said 

“Not until you calm down,” he said

You nodded your head and he let go of you which when you were getting ready to run out of the store he would pick you up.

“Yeah we’re going back to the dorms, You aren’t calm, See you, boys, later, I’m getting tired,”


Seungmin: He would be surprised because you started fighting a girl. After hours of trying to pull you off he couldn’t so he came up with one idea. He stood in the middle trying to make you girls break up the fight. You meant to hit the girl when you punched Seungmin. That’s when the girl ran away.

“Oh my god Seungmin,” you said

He stood up.

“I’m gonna be fine love, Don’t worry about me but next time you hit please don’t target me,” he said 

“I’m really sorry,” you said

“I hope you mean it since half the time you don’t,” he said 

“Seungmin I really always mean it, I just hated the fact she talked about me and how I wasn’t good enough for you, I won’t fight anyone unless they say something about y-”

“You won’t be fighting anyone for a long time,”


Jeongin: He goes into panic asking Chan who was beside him what he was supposed to do. You were pulling her hair and she was pulling your hair. Jeongin pulled and pulled and you just wouldn’t stop hitting her. Finally, you let go of her hair.


Jeongin would sit you down and give you some water to drink after that he would smile. You were confused.

“Why are you smiling?” you asked

“I’m just happy you have no bruises on you, I’m also happy you are okay,” he said 

Soon enough Minho walked over.

“I think…You’ll need to pay for her broken nose,” Minho said eyeing you both

“It’s one thing after a next, I’ll pay for it, Once I pay for it no more fighting or you will have no cuddle, kissing, date access for a month,” he said pulling out his wallet

“Jeongin,” you whined

“No, I said so, Now if you can order food without hurting the woman over the counter, I would be proud,”

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