Mother Figure |REQUEST|

Anon: I wanna request and Imagine, Since I adore Seungmin and Wonpil, Please make an Imagine, Wonpil marries you but his son Seungmin is against it?



Summary: You finally lived the life you planned with your husband Wonpil. Yet little did you know his son Seungmin didn’t like the idea. After dealing with it for so long you finally step in to become that mother figure he needs.


You had fixed breakfast for your husband and son well that’s what you call him. You and Wonpil got married and it all started through Dowoon. At first, you thought it was a bad idea but now you thank him for bringing you your husband. Wonpil had told you about Seungmin and warned you there might be a couple of actions he does that might hurt you.

Seungmin didn’t even stay long at the wedding and it hurt you but Wonpil told you he was gonna cool down soon. Yet it never happened it only made it worse. He avoided you and tried to get away from you. Which you knew he just needed a mother. Seungmin’s mother left to live her dream crushing the heart of both Wonpil and Seungmin. 

You knew that at the moment you had to step in to be the wife Wonpil needed and the mother Seungmin needed. That’s why you treat him so good no matter how bad he treats you.

“How long will you be filming?” you asked

“I don’t know, If I’m not home by tonight don’t worry I might come late” he smiled

Seungmin grabbed his book walking out the door you sighed.

“It’s not late you know,” he said 

“What?” you asked 

“Seungmin, He just needs his mother around, Yet it crushed him more than me,” Wonpil said

“He hates me why keep trying,” you asked sadly

“He doesn’t hate you, Let me explain this to you right now, When she left it hurt him and he’s built up with hurt and he feels like you are replacing his mother, But you aren’t, I texted her before, She’s a mother again and this time she is happy, Instead of me fixing it you do it, I know it can help you build that mother, son, relationship,” he explained

“How though?” you asked

“Seungmin hangs out with his friends a lot so maybe pick him up and do something with him today, Before his mom left he has always wanted to go to the amusement park with her, Take him today,” he said 

“Good idea, I might be able to comfort him from the hurt,” you smiled

“Yes and if he shows anger instead of pain comfort him,” he said 

He gave you a kiss before walking out of the house you had an idea. You would order unlimited tickets and spend the whole day with him. Dealing with it for so long made it worse today you were gonna be the mother. He wanted and the mother he needs maybe not by blood but dearly by heart.

Picking up the ringing phone you answered it to only hear the voice of Felix. He was friends with Seungmin and also known as Chan’s son.

Felix: Hey, We’re already off to a bad start

Y/n: What do you mean?

Felix: Just hurry over to the park we need you

You grabbed your keys without any second thought before getting in the car. You wonder what the hell he could have done now. As you made it to the park you quickly stopped and hopped out. Chan was already over there with the boys you rushed over hugging Seungmin.

“Son are you okay?” you asked eyeing his bloody, bruised hand

“I’m not your son,” he said coldly

He walked to the car you turned back over to see the guys already leaving being left with Felix and Chan.

“What happened?” both you and Chan asked

“Seungmin got in a fight, I think you deserve hearing the story from him,” Felix said

“Were you involved?” Chan asked

“Yes, I did happen to beat up the first guy but Changbin did help me with him, I might have a bruise on my wrist but I’ll be fine,” he explained

“Head to the car now, I told you to stop fighting, We’ll talk about this in the car,” Chan said

Felix walked off Chan looked at me.

“I think you should get home It’s no longer sunny so it will be raining, Tell your husband I said hi,” Chan said before walking to the car

Just as you were walking you felt the rain come down rushing to the car you hopped in. Seungmin sighed.

“So do you wanna talk about it?” you asked

“No,” he said

This is the only chance you had to talk to him about this whole thing this time you must force answers out of him.

“Tell me about it,” you said

“No,” he said

“Fine I’ll call your father,” you said pulling out your phone

He grabbed the phone tossing it to the backseat.

“Don’t tell my father, He’ll never let me go out with the guys again, I will talk,” he said

You nodded your head waiting for the story to come out of his mouth.

“So at school there are 4 boys who keep picking on me for not having a mother, I did ignore them because what they said about me didn’t matter to me, Yet when I was playing soccer with the guys they had happened to be there, I got tired of it so I threw the first punch, Soon enough Changbin, Felix, and Jisung helped me,” he explained

You made a turn which made him look at you, you stopped the car looking over at him. 

“I’m not giving up no matter how hard you want me to leave, I married your father, I’m not leaving, I love him but I call you my son, Unlike most females who want someone without a kid, I want your dad and I accept you, So we’re going to the hospital to get your hand checked, Soon we will go home, I’ll make you something to snack on,” you said

Arriving at the hospital Seungmin went to sit down you smiled at the woman. She smiled back.

“Name,” she asked 

“Kim Seungmin, He’s my son,” you said

“Date of birth,” she asked 

“September 22, 2000,” you said

She gave you the bracelet.

“Funny how you check in, My daughter is a huge fan of your husband’s band,” she smiled 

“Great, I’ll make sure she gets an album,” you said

Waving bye you walked to the seat putting the bracelet on Seungmin. The look of sadness made you question what could be bothering him right now. 

“Seungmin…I’m sorry,” you said almost wanting to cry

“For what,” he asked 

“For…For not being the mother you were looking for…I really can’t be the one you want me to be, I just…I’ve tried so hard to take care of you, Please give me a chance,” you said

He hugged you.

“I might not call you mom but you are a really good woman and you make my father happy, I’m happy you do though,” he said

-Time Skip-

Walking out the now empty hospital stood Wonpil who had his hands in his pocket. You and Seungmin were surprised to see him here.

“I got a call from the hospital Seungmin broke his hand and I left work just to make sure everything was okay,” he said

“Bullshit,” Seungmin said

“Hey watch your mouth,” Wonpil said

“She called you, This is what happens when I get close to people like you, They turn on me, I told you not to tell him, Forget it I’m walking home,” Seungmin said

You soon chased after him.

“Seungmin, I never called your father,” you said

“Yeah, you did I already know you did, Every time I think about being nice to you I see why I can’t, Sometimes…I wish you never came into my life,” Seungmin said

He pushed you back making you hit the cold wet ground you watched as he walked off. It was raining Wonpil helped you up.

“I’ll go get him you head home, love,” he kissed you

You nodded your head getting in the car at this point you just wanna stop trying. Wonpil got out the car grabbing Seungmin by the back of his hood. Seungmin was beyond angry.

“Would you listen to me,” Wonpil said

“Why so you can defend her,” Seungmin said 

“No I never was gonna defend her, She didn’t call me, We sent Jae out to get food and he happened to see you guys in the hospital, Following upon the report he called me, Y/n is a good woman give her a chance son,” he said

Seungmin shook his head.

“No she will never be the mother I need,” he said

You silently cooked dinner as the door opened but this time you didn’t greet the boys. Seungmin walked into his room as Wonpil walked into the kitchen.

“Are you okay?” he asked

You nodded your head and finished cooking.

“Please set the table I’ll go get Seungmin,” you said

Walking into the room you seen that it was dark and everything was scattered everywhere. You heard small sniffles and already knew what was happening. Sitting on the end of the bed you removed the blanket to see a crying Seungmin.

“Seungmin…” you said 

He continued to cry.

“Forget it,” you said

You hugged him.

“It’s okay to cry…Let it all out,” you said

“W-Why did my mom leave me…” he cried

“She followed what she wanted, It’s okay to cry,” you said

Hours of crying he was passed out you smiled softly and put the blanket over him. He soon raised up before you walked out the door.

“Thank you for everything…Mom,” he said

You smiled.

“Anything for you son,” you smiled

He laid back down.

“I’ll heat up food for you when you wake up for now get some rest and later on your father will be in here to doctor your hand,” you said

You walked downstairs Wonpil smiled brightly.

“So?” he said

“So, Seungmin finally called me mom…I’m happy to have a son,” you said

Although Seungmin was against you being with his father he soon seen that you being apart o the family was good. His father didn’t only have a wife to love but he had a mother finally. One he could love forever, now he can finally say what he always wanted to say. 

“I love my mom,” 


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